Thursday, July 14, 2016


I am DOG SICK from "something"... I was fine, then last night about 10PM I began to have one of those "cold sweat" spells... and I even had to change my clothes I was so soaking wet... but I laid down, got still and woke up about 4AM, and I knew I had to be fixing to have fever... every joint and muscle in my body was so severely in pain, I was almost screaming it hurt so bad. I checked my temp and that the time it was okay, but withing a half hour, I knew it was going it went to 99.5, then to 100.5 and then 101.5 and I had already had 4 Tylenol, plus my other meds. 

This Pain" usually feels almost as if I am going to stiff so stiff, and almost like a "seizure", but I've never had one... but I know when I have that type of pain, I will have fairly high fever... I had NO CLUE why... I was fine, painted yesterday and was fine until last I am dammit on the sofa, drinking green tea, and covered up with my blanket... it sucks. I have some antibiotics left from the wasp sting, so I decided to take those to see if I may have some type of infection... 

I have a "small bit" of a cough, and had a tiny bit of cough meds in the fridge, so I took that early and I am not coughing anymore.... this just is pissing me off! I have SO MUCH to do.,. and my floor buffer came in yesterday, so I need to learn how to use it, and I don't even feel like reading anything.... anyway, last time this happened I was sick for a day, and then the next day was fine.... go figure... so if I am still not well tomorrow, or my temp won't stay down, I will do over to Urgent Care to make sure I don't have pneumonia, or something going on.... the SEVERE body pain is what is the worst...

Well even though I DID NOT want to! : I went to Urgent Care this morning. It seems I have a bad kidney infection. rather than pneumonia or something upper lung issues etc... which I think I may have a combination of still a really, really, kicking my butt Lupus Flare... so that explains a great deal.... 

SO here we are AGAIN on ANTIBIOTICS! I HATE to take them, BUT I have no choice if I want to get well and get on with my life.... this sucks

Then to make things ever feel worse  :

I needed a shower before I went ANYWHERE! BUT, (and it was all I could do to take a shower) YET AM SO OUT OF IT, after I WALKED IN AND BEGAN TO I realized I FORGOT MY DENTURES!!!!! I NEVER walk OUT OF THIS house to GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT THOSE! I WAS SOOOOOOOOOO EMBARRASSED!!!!I've never pulled that kind of stunt before... I am still embarrassed......

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