Showing posts with label losing all teeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label losing all teeth. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

APRIL is National Sjogren's Awareness MONTH!!!!

This was a "strange term" the 1st time my Rheumatologist said it to me. I had heard of it a couple of times from women I knew that had it, but I had no clue just how "damaging" this illness (autoimmune at that) can be. Did it ever takes its toll on me, when within 2 weeks I had 3 TEETH BREAK OFF AT THE GUM LINE! From that point, ONE OF THE MOST HORRIBLE THINGS I EVER DREADED HAPPENED TO ME... I HAD TO LOSE ALL OF MY TEETH AND HAVE DENTURES! I always "feared" losing my teeth, or losing my hair! One of those came true.... and to this day, (this was in 2014 that it began) I STILL FEEL SELF CONSCIOUS, AND IT HAS HINDERED ME IN MORE WAYS THAT YOU CAN IMAGINE, EATING, SLEEPING, BEING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE, TALKING, SINGING, YOU NAME IT, IT IS HORRID! I spent well over 6 MONTHS, having the REST OF MY TEETH THAT WERE ROTTEN AT THE GUM BEING EXTRACTED, then at the last he pulled ELEVEN more and put the dentures in... and again I will never be the same.... so SJOGREN'S is nothing to TAKE LIGHTLY! It effects ALL MUCUS MEMBRANES OF THE BODY, FROM THE MOUTH, NOSE, EARS, SKIN, YOUR INTESTINES, YOUR HEART, EYES, ANYTHING THAT HAS A MUCUS MEMBRANE CAN BE DAMAGED OR SEVERELY RUINED JUST OVER NIGHT... AND RIGHT NOW HONESTLY THERE IS NO CURE, AND EVEN THE TWO MEDICATIONS AND I'VE TRIED BOTH.. DO NOT REALLY WORK ALL THAT WELL....