Tuesday, January 14, 2025

"A "New" Way of looking at our Wellness - "Functiinal Medicine"

 I have known "some of these facts" from my own research. What I recently learned is many of our "regular physicians" have learned to wait until there is a symptom and "treat" the symptom rather than finding the "root cause" of the symptom.

I never gave thought to being "Overweight'" or "Obese" as a symptom. Is is not a "cause". Many of us have all types of serious Autoimmune Illnesses, and inflammation is one of the main symptoms of many autoimmune illnesses, as well as other issues. From heart disease to Diabetes 2 are all "symptoms". Thise symptoms are not first what needs to be addressed. The "root cause" is the main reason.

Our diets lack essential vitamins, minerals, and the essential "building blocks" of what make up our cellular makeup. We go to our primary care doctor with a "symptom". It could be something such as a cough, headache, lump in your neck or many other "symptoms we can have. Rather than researching to find the root cause of why we have the cough or why we have gained or lost a significant amount of weight, all too often, we are given medicine for the symptoms. 

Now, we have doctors that do attempt to find out the "why". they may do Lab work, take X-rays, or do other testing. But, at times, they do not dig deeply enough to find out why we have recurrent sinus infections or why we have lost or gained more weight than what would be the usual amount for us. 

But, like myself my PCP had been doing Labs for years. One time, about a year ago, my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was low. So, rather than doing more labs to find out why I suddenly developed the issue, he immediately put me on "Synthroid," a man-made type of hormone. 

By the way, I learned there are 12 more Labs that he could have run to try and find out the "root cause" of why my thyroid was low. He did not do that. Now that I KNOW about this, I will mention it to him, or I will get tested for other things that could be the "root cause" of why my thyroid (T-4) is low. 

Last week, I went through a 3 DAY "Masterclass" about weight gain, diabetes, low thyroid, and what could be the "root cause" of many illnesses such as Autoimmune Diseases and Diabetes. It also will explain why I suddenly out on more weight than I wanted or should have. Plus, the weight is all in my abdomen and around my waist. Rather than blowing me off with age, illnesses, medications, and so forth, he needed to say, let's do more Labs to see if we can get down to the real issue. Those are NOT reasons; they are copouts. 

I did find out the latest injection everyone is taking for weight loss. It actually can help the heart. My cardiologist told me that. 

I'll be sharing more about this crucial information over the next few months. In February, there will be another "Masterclass about LowThyroid" and "Functional Medicine". I'll post dates (it will be a 3-day class, usually in the evenings, about 7pm Central Time). I encourage all of my friends with many different Autoimmune Illnesses and thyroid Issues and all of you who are sick and tired of being "sick and Tired." This will change your way of thinking about "Good Health" forever.

Monday, January 6, 2025

2025 Lupus, RA, and Life Happy New Year and Wishing Everyone a Well Year


I am trying to Updating my Blog and Finishing the Books I’ve been working on.

It has taken a while for me to get back into the habit of writing.

I have had so many issues with Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands I have been struggling as to whether to begin dictating my writing rather than typing myself.

I recall not long ago when I actually wrote everything out long hand in ”journals”; which turned into what I transferred on the computer and thus became my books.  Much like “Stevie Nicks” who most know is my idol; she continues to write daily in journals of which some turn into songs. 

It’s been a long journey to get back to this place. Between doctor's appointments, finally getting a new Rheumatologist who is out of town about 25 minutes away,  beginning new medications, and I found “lumps” in the bends of my legs at the hip. I found out I have “inguinal lymphadenopathy”. I had an appointment with my PCP who told me what they were. He said most of the time they come from an infection somewhere in the body. The issue was I had no signs of an infection. He put me on an antibiotic for 7 days. It was at the holidays; so I waited to send him a message after the New Year.

Rather than try another antibiotic, he is referring me to a hematologist. Now the weather has gotten terrible. We are in 30-degree temperatures and the wind chill at 2 degrees this morning. It is supposed to continue for another 7 to 10 days and possibly get worse. Snow/rain is in the forecast for the next few days. There is no way I am driving even 15 miles in snow or possibly black ice on the highway. I may call and see how long it takes to get in to see him. I can also set the appointment for after this weather gets back to somewhat normal in the 50's or so.

My HOPE each of you are doing well. I pray this is a better year for many.

Pam Rhia Steele