Saturday, March 30, 2019

New Clinical Trial for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

After an IPF diagnosis, it can be difficult to find options. Clinical trials research potential new treatments, and need volunteers to take part. A new IPF clinical trial is now looking for volunteers in your area.
The trial is researching a potential new treatment for IPF that is being studied to see if it may prevent or reduce disease progression. You may qualify to take part if you:
  • Are at least 40 years of age
  • Have had a diagnosis of IPF within the last 3 years
If you or a loved one suffer from IPF, click to learn more about the trial.
Learn why I’m talking about Clinical Trials

You may qualify for an #IdiopathicPulmonaryFibrosis clinical trial if you are at least 40 y.o. and have had a diagnosis of #IPF within the last 3 years. Learn more! #sponsored #cureclick

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