Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do Away with Tax Havens for Large Corporations!

May 6, 2009

We all have heard the stories about banks, financial institutions, the auto industry, and their failings to the point of going under. It is all over the news and media. Should the government help bail these corporations out in order to help the nations financial situation? Well that question is certainly debatable by each of us.

What really burns me up, and I saw it first hand last night on "Rachel Maddow's" hour long daily news hour. I have to say I really like this woman. Rather than be "one sided", she tries to give the facts, she has others on both sides come in and give information, and even though she may add a tiny bit of her own "two cents" in, I feel she is one of the most non-biased reporters we have.

I always knew about American companies "hiding" money throughout certai places of the world. The Cayman Islands is just one that stays in the news. Also Luxemborg is another, along with several more. But, when I heard the facts that include THOSE THAT TOOK BAILOUT MONEY! I was totally ENRAGED!

When an average wage earner makes around 50,000.00 a year and pays 25% in taxes, as high as that is, those are the people that PAY THEIR TAXES!

But, you take companies like BANK OF AMERICA, MORGAN STANLEY, and many, many more that hide their money in these places such as the Cayman Islands... and guess what??? They DO NOT PAY ONE DIME IN TAXES! Even though most huge companies should pay around 35%, due to them hiding their earnings in off short accounts, they literally for the most part pay nothing! No wonder our nation is BROKE! In the Cayman Islands, there is one 5 story building, (note a small parking lot with NO cars there), and that building has 18,000!!! businesses claiming they have an office there! Yes, I said 18,000!

It is no wonder we are in the financial dilemna as far as our government goes. When you add up these companies that do not pay what they owe in taxes due to the "loopholes" that Bush and Cheney condoned... mmmm. wonder why... can you say Big Oil, Kickbacks and Lobbyists?? ... our government loses about 21 BILLION DOLLARS in tax money a year!!!

This should really enrage each and every hard working American! Then, the REPUBLICANS have the audacity to say that President Obama is trying to INCREASE the taxes businesses pay! That is a bunch of bull... no HE IS GETTING RID of the Loopholes that allow these huge companies to NOT PAY taxes, so they will finally contribute to their own country!

We should be mad as heck, to put it mildly, and back getting rid of these loopholes once and for all.

Here are some URL's with information:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Virginia Foxx IS NOT FIT to be a dog catcher!

This "woman" does not belong in Congress, nor any place in our government. F0r her to stand in front of Congress and Mathew's Mom and say what she said, and lie boldly about this horrid hate crime is despicable! She needs to resign now, or be made to step down. She is not fit to be a local dog catcher, much less a member of our governmental body. How can anyone be so incredibly cruel, when the Mother of this young man was sitting right there?

Hate crimes of any kind, against anyone should be completely banned from this country and the world. She needs to be made an example of, that we will NOT allow this kind of behavior in our nation, and especially within our government.

I watched this movie about what happened to Mathew Shepard. It broke my heart.

Commending President Obama - A++ for a job well done

I am elated to have President Obama in office! He has gone over and above to do all he has promised, even in spite of all of the horrid situations he faced from day one as President! He has my vote and total backing. I am fully hopeful he will be re-elected during our next elections!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Strain of Swine Flu concern here in TX/Around the globe

It sounds like we are really in a spot of the unknown when it comes to this new strain of swine flu. It looks like it began in Mexico, but now has spread in TX, CA, NY, and around the globe to other foreign nations. I realize the CDC does not want panic, but they have raised the level to "4", which 6 is the highest alert as far as a pandemic.

I know I am certainly concerned. I live not far from Dallas, and there are many people living here that commute and work in Dallas. So, between people that have relatives in Mexico and have visited... even our neighbors were there not too long ago, to those who could carry it here from their work place or from shopping in the Dallas area... it does worry me. Due to the fact that it is actually killing "healthy" people, and those in the age range of about from 25 to 45... what does that mean for the elderly, the small children, and those like myself with compromised immune systems? Since I have several autoimmune illnesses, including Lupus, Sjogren's and Mixed Connective Tissue disorder... anyone with a less than healthy immune situation certainly I would think could be at higher risk of contracting this new strain, as well as having a more difficult time trying to get over it.

Lots of links and updated information coming in... take care... try and stay out of public places, away from those that are coughing and sneezing... wash hands frequently, try and not put your hands around your eyes, mouth and nose, especially when out and about in town... if symptoms arise that you feel could be flu in nature, contact your doctor or ER immediately, let them know they symptoms, so they can be more prepared to be extra cautious when someone who is possibly infected comes into the office or hospital.

Take care and be extra cautious....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wondering Why Texas has a Nut case for Govenor

Here is the URL:

This guy is refusing help from the stimulus package to aid those have lost jobs. Then he makes ridiculous remarks at the "tea party" in Austin! Like Texas "seceding" from the other states! What a joke!!!!

Judge for yourself----