Monday, January 11, 2010

My Grandson, Logan is hospitalized

My Grandson is ill with the RVS Virus. He had to be hospitalized today, due to complications with his asthma. He is only 7 months old. Please keep him, and my daughter, son-in law and her two other kid in your thoughts and prayers please.

I appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much. It is difficult for me to be this far away. They live about 30 out of Corpus, so they are ove 6 hours away from me. When I find out more, I will post and let you know...

Hugs to All, Rhia

Friday, January 1, 2010

Limbaugh ill - Palin makes me Ill

OMG! LOL! I guess I am not the only one in the boat! The first thing out of my mouth when I heard this on the news yesterday was "IS He dead?"!!!!I I know that is not the Christian thing to say, but it appears if we are going to hell wishing that upon this scum bag, bigot, hate mongering, soul sucking, demon possessed lying bag of monkey crap, that has spewed his vile, hatred around our country and the world, then I shall be in good company! I will not apologize for how I feel about his gruesome, cold hearted, yelling, ill willed, hateful, and full of bigotry statements he makes about our country, our President, and everyone that we should respect. I will not apologize for hating what he stands for... which is what most of us loath. I will also say it will be a cold day in hell before I ever listened to one of his radio shows. And of all people, if Rush decided to kick the freaking bucket, NOT PALIN!!! That would be the sin of all sins. That colored dyed red headed witch can keep her frozen broom stick up there in her igloo & remain there for eternity as far as I am concerned! She does not know how to speak proper English, so how the heck would anyone think she could do a radio show? I would rather hear an intelligent monkey, or even far better than that, my "talking" Chi-weenie, Bubs, can speak better than that old wind bag of what some call a hockey Mom. I would love to tell her where she could put that hockey puck and stick! I say we ship both of them to the South Pole in a rubber raft, with NO RADIO, no phone, and only enough food and water for a week! They can share an igloo down there with the penguins.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holidays and more....

Sitting here wondering where once again a year has gone. It feels like we were just celebrating last year's holiday season, and once again we are upon another one. I do have one gripe about stores. It seems every year they get earlier and earlier putting out Christmas decorations, so long before the holiday, that you are almost tired of looking at it by the time Christmas is here. This year seems to have been the worst. They had Halloween stuff out weeks and weeks before October it seems. Then the day or two before Halloween, they had shelves and shelves of Christmas decorations and it is just like they skipped Thanksgiving, and here Christmas stuff is out 2 and a half months before it should be. I know due to the economy the retail business is probably trying to help shoppers and themselves by making the "buying" season longer. Since Wal Mart did away with layaway, along with K-Mart and Target that makes it more difficult because people can no longer get things early, put them in layaway and pay them out. Now with many over the max on their credit cards, most of us surely do not need another mound of credit card debt after the holidays. What also gripes me is as horrible as credit is now for many people, we tend to still get credit card offers in the mail. Many of them are also full of very expensive fees, that are so far hidden in the fine print, no one can find them. Then when a bill arrives and is 40 dollars or more higher than what it should be, you can see you have been scammed with either fees, or higher interest rates. I am going through my own mind getting ready to write my annual Christmas Letter to family and friends. It has been not a really great year for many reasons, most of it for us health reason, between Jim and myself. We can hope 2010 brings us comfort, answers, and hopefully peace, for us and the world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Webinar/Teleconference for the New Lupus Medication Benlysta on November 30th!

Hello! I thought some of you with Lupus or are a care taker of someone with Lupus would be thrilled to listen to this Webinar, plus there will be a teleconference you can join in by following the instructions below.

This is exciting news about the first ever of its kind medication for Lupus!

I am thrilled and anticipating the day it is FDA approved so I can try it.

Participate in the BENLYSTA Research Update Call on Monday, November 30, 2009 The Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) invites those living with lupus and interested in learning more about the results of the BENLYSTA studies to join us for a special Webinar on Monday, November 30, 2009 at 7 p.m. EST.

LFA’s Medical Director, Dr. Joan Merrill, will review the results of the BENLYSTA studies and answer questions. Questions can be submitted in advance by clicking this link.
Please note that space at the event is limited. The LFA will provide a summary of the discussion following the event for those who are unable to attend.

Call In Details

1. Dial the Conference Access Number: 212-401-6760 or 866-551-3680
2. Enter your Participant PIN Code followed by the # key: 7292757#
3. You will be placed on musical hold until the Event begins
4. To join the Web Conference click this link:
5. Enter your Name
6. Click Go

Or Join the Web Conference Manually

1. To join the Web Conference log into:
2. Enter the Web Login Reference: 130257715
3. Enter the PIN Code: 7292757
4. Enter your Name
5. Click Go

IF you need further informaton you can view the post about this on my Facebook page at: