Friday, October 14, 2016

New Clinical Trial by Cure Click for GERD

Cure Click Brings a Clinical Trial for Urinary Incontinance caused by Spinal Cord Injury, Multple Sclerosis

Approximately 80% of people with Multiple Sclerosis will experience some degree of bladder dysfunction. Symptoms include difficulty holding urine, difficulty starting a urine stream, feeling like the bladder won’t empty completely, having to go to the bathroom at night frequently, and having to urinate frequently.



Again this is so critical to me in such a very personal way. If you and a loved one has been diagnosed, or shows "signs or symptoms" of this extremely rapidly degenerating type of Dementia, you can screen for a Clinical Trial sponsored by Cure Click. I watched it take my Mom within 6 months. She had "some signs" of dementia, forgetfulness, and several others about a year or two before. Yet, none that led to a real diagnosis, then this horrid disease seemed to "take over" suddenly, and I literally watched her "change" day by day, as I've told the story so many times. This is NOT your "typical dementia or even Alzheimer's) not that they are not awful, yet Lewy bodies as a whole different type of dementia, aggressive in nature... and honestly, they still lack a great deal of the "why's" of this particular one.... Please share this with others. I would so appreciate you giving out this to others that may have someone they have seen in this type of rapid declining of mental, physical, and emotional realms so suddenly.

Been told you or a loved one have #LewyBody #Dementia? Participate in a clinical trial! See if you qualify. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

News From National Pain Report and Dealing with the Congress, CDC, and Government and Chronic Pain, Medications and much more!!!!

Chronic Pain Patient Rally Set for Washington D.C.

by Ed Coghlan

PLEASE GIVE THIS A READ! IT WAS in my newspaper a couple of days ago, and I wanted to post it here, separately because I know MANY of you are TERRIFIED of what us, as Pain Patients, Chronically Ill, and Already been through the mill, many times shall do, if things change drastically in regard to our medications.... So, I felt this needed to "stand out"... boy I need to again, since it has been awhile post my battle since the age of 17 years old with chronic pain, that started with severe migraines, and never stopped, going into all different types of chronic illnesses, that cause horrid pain....

The YEARS I SPENT just "trying" to find a doctor, a legitimate pain physician to treat me.... and it was only about 10 years ago, I FINALLY FOUND HIM IN DALLAS TX! The man is a true "hero" in my book for sure....

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Cure Click WINS SILVER in a very Prestigous Awards Ceremony!

Cure Click is really deserving of this. They are really working hard to get people into clinical trials, and getting those like myself, to spread the word on these trials so more people get the information. 

CureClick Wins Silver at the MM&M Awards for Best Use of Social Media of 2016