Saturday, December 15, 2018

2019 - "Doing What YOU LOVE", dishes, laundry can wait, friends passing away, & making sure life does not pass you by...

Great "Lessons" from an awesome writer... I am giving thought to also "rewriting" my two published poetry books.  I want to make them "shorter" and have 4 or 5 "shorter" poetry books. And within those, add some of my Dad's "sayings" that I have here. I had thought I would write a book of his sayings all on its own, but I think it would be more interesting to "add them" into the poetry books.

As I do that, I "hope" to get myself motivated to get up off the sofa at 3 or 4AM every morning and rather than cook, bake, clean, do laundry etc... take that "early" time of quiet and try and put use to it by getting back into where I've just left off with my writing. After all that happened, with Jim's accident, all of my surgeries and illnesses, then Mom becoming ill and passing away so suddenly, then me falling within 6 months fracturing my hip in two places, losing two of my fur-babies in between all of that, and all of the "other crap" of life, I've kind of been "lost" from the things that I loved to do,... the writing, the painting, yet also my "body" at times won't allow me to sit long enough to write (type) and just the 1001 things that tend to interfere... and 'sound like excuses"... and maybe some are, but also, it's very difficult as many of you know to go through "harrowing" issues, and try to do what you love to do... so as the new year is upon us and I've given thought to just how quickly life has flown by. All of the wonderful memories of my own childhood, my Grandparents house with my Aunts and Uncles, cousins... all of that seems like it was just yesterday.

We were in Elementary school, with programs, and the wonderful times that our lives were "simple"... we didn't have to be concerned about getting "harmed" at school, or someone taking us for all kinds of horrible reasons... we could ride our bikes, I rode mine all over town by the time I was about 14 or so, never gave a thought about someone running over us. We could go out to eat, to the Mall, to the movies, out at night to ball games, we didn't have to "worry", things were simpler.... so, now just what seems such a few shorts year later and life is ANYTHING BUT SIMPLE, EVEN FOR OUR OWN KIDS!

So, before I blink again, and I can't see (my eyesight is really getting bad the double vision seems to get worse by the month), or I can't type, or hell half the time I can't keep my thoughts straight now at times... i should "do what I love"... take the time to not worry over the leaves in the back yard, or a tree limb hanging too low... or the roof of my house looking like it "may leak" when for now it's not... so as I enter hopefully a new phase of living, I hope you also find that spot to say, " I'm going to do something I LOVE", and that load of laundry can wait till tomorrow......

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Clinical Trial for Parkinson's Disease sponsored by Cure Click


#parkinsons #PD #parkinsonsdisease #levodopa #sponsored #cureclick #ad 

Today, researchers are evaluating an investigational drug that focuseson the earliest stages of Parkinson’s disease that may potentially offer a new option for recently diagnosed patients.
If you have been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you may want to consider a newly opened study. It is evaluating the safety and potential efficacy of an investigational drug that targets alpha-synuclein (α-syn), a molecule associated with Parkinson’s disease. The investigational drug is being studied to see if it may potentially help to slow or reduce disease progression.
For people who:
-- Have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in the last 3 years
-- Are 40 to 80 years of age
-- Have not received levodopa in the last 12 weeks
Learn more! #sponsored #cureclick

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

After All of the "Buying" Now is the Day to "Give" - #GivingTuesday!

Giving Tuesday! Now that we have given Thanks for our loved ones, friends, and had our meals, shopping for days, and all of the "buying" - TODAY is the DAY TO GIVE -  #GIVINGTUESDAY  

Pick One of your Charities or reasons, or places to give to and give in order that we may help to either cure illnesses, bring change to stop illnesses, to raise awareness, to feed the hungry, or whatever you may feel needs to be done or changed... Raise your Hands and Help to Giving Tuesday!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your Family and Friends - "Open Enrollment" falls during the holidays.... Decisions to make...

Global Healthy Living Foundation 

Here is a great URL and information for your Guide to Open Enrollment brought to you by the "Global Healthy Living Foundation".....

Along with Wishing you all a Peaceful, Family and/or Friends, Laughing, Eating, Making New Memories, and Recalling the ones past... May you have safe travels if you are traveling about, may there be harmony around the nation & world, and may the Thankfulness in your Heart be filled and overflowing... Whether you are in a room full celebrating, or like myself, at home with my two "fur-babies" Bella and Peanut, having our own small "family" Thanksgiving, may you find the blessings wherever the days take you....

Be Safe, Take Care, and Find Something to Feel Proud for, Thankful For, and to feel Gratitude for during the holidays and reaching into the upcoming New Year....


Friday, November 16, 2018

"Pain News Network" - Articles "CDC gone WAY TOO far with quick changes of Opioid Changes",

"The American Medical Association has passed resolutions urging insurers, pharmacists, federal regulators and states to stop the "inappropriate use" of the CDC opioid guideline. Although the guideline is voluntary, many of its recommendations are being regarded as mandatory."

"The head of the AMA says the crackdown on prescription opioids has gone too far and is harming pain patients. Dr. Barbara McAneny says one of her own cancer patients tried to commit suicide after a pharmacist refused to fill his prescription for pain medication."

What about no Mention of "Kratom" n the DEA's Annual Assessment to Drug Risks?
"The FDA and DEA have warned for years that the herbal supplement kratom is risky and could lead to addiction or even death. But why is there no mention of kratom in the DEA's annual assessment of drug risks? "

And HERE is some PROMISING NEWS - You Must Read This Article!

"Experimental Gene Therapy made drastic reduction in a Dog's Chronic Pain After Being Hit by a Car" And this is a Pup That was Assisting His Human Companion Who has Seizures..."

Researchers at the University of Colorado say an experimental gene therapy significantly reduced chronic pain in dogs after one injection. Human trials on the promising treatment are now underway.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Thyroid Awareness Month" and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Do you know the signs, symptoms, and more...

Thyroid Awareness Month - Did you know that certain types of "Thyroid Problems and Diseases" are actually "Autoimmune Illnesses? And that having "other" Autoimmune Illnesses can put you at further risk of Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Disease?

Symptoms of Thyroid Disease (as well as others depending on whether you have a "hypo" or "hyper" type of Thyroid Issue...

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

  • Panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Unexplained weight changes
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Inability to tolerate heat or cold
  • Muscle/joint aches and pains
  • Unusual weakness and fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Swelling of the feet, hands and face
  • A hoarse voice, problems swallowing, or a tight feeling in the throat
  • Irregular periods
  • And more
See much more information at the links provided above...

"Giving Tuesday November 27th 2018" STOMP OUT BULLYING!!!! The "Global Movement"

Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is a movement to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. On this day of GIVING, we ask you to think of the youths who we work to keep safe at school every day .. the youths who we work to keep safe online... the youth whose lives we save every day.

World Kindness Week is November 13 - 20th. The purpose of World Kindness Week is to highlight good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness that binds us. Today and every day, focus on the good and spread kindness wherever you go. One way you can do this is to stand up for people who don't have a strong voice. You can also use inclusion, unity, respect and acceptance to spread kindess to the people around you. YOU can make a huge difference.

At STOMP Out Bullying, we LOVE to share messages and stories of kindness, and to hear yours. What are your plans for this World Kindness Week? Share your thoughts with us on social media and let’s keep the global conversation on kindness going.