Showing posts with label lumbar surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lumbar surgery. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2021

A/C Tear, Possible replacement of reverse shoulder replacement from 10 years ago, more & better information on Lumbar/Sacral Surgery. Osteoporotic wonders and more

 Several things I am touching on, since things have been upside down and inside out with me, my Lumbar/Sacral spine needing surgery, 10 years later after my 1st "total Right reverse shoulder replacement and it goes on and on...

I know it has been awhile since I've been able to post here, I plan to begin getting more done especially after the shoulder and hopefully Lumbar/Sacral Spine is fixed... I need to continue on my book. I do have well over 600 PAGES "want written" out since COVID-19 began so those I do not have on the computer yet. But, will be a portion of the "book or books" I shall continue to write...

Great Article for osteoporotic women and men that must have spinal surgery especially Lumbar and Sacral. It really helped to understand how much they have hanged in 10 years! I could no believe it had been 10 YEARS since I had the "reverse shoulder replacement surgery"! So, "if" the "Bone scan"" (done with the special dye) shows a greater thinning of bone, then I "may" have to have e new replacement put in that is totally different than the one 10 years ago. Much improved for those with "osteoporotic" bones issues. This one talks about the spine, and he told me this information last Friday when I went in to discuss both the shudder and the Lumbar/Sacral spine surgeries. I was told 10 years ago, with the shoulder replacement it would probably "wear out" in about ten years or so... with new types o screws, equipment, and placement they last a great deal longer. Also, it may be that with the new ways they would do my Lumbar surgery, with smaller screws, and cemented hardware, and other new parts, my chances are much better for them to hod up without me having problems with the L-4,3,2,1 etc above the L-5/S1... I am still very nervous about the  Lumbar spine BUT  did finally get more information from my specialist on the surgery and how they have made dramatic changes. As far as the shoulder, I DO NOT really want a "2nd replacement: and hope t s more about the A/C being torn in several placements...those could be fixed without replacing the entire shoulder. I HAVE to get this shoulder fixed either way. It gets worse every day it feels like and I get to where I can do less and less with the with the RA effecting m knuckles, fingers, thumbs so badly now, that makes it ever worse.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

2 Lead Pacemakers, Lumbar back is pain & problems are from 1 to the other, horrid Weather coming & does the "tiring issues" of life ever give a break?

Here is my "gripe(s)" for the week! Heck the MONTH, YEAR....Morning TOO EARLY!!! My two fur babies think it's time for me to get up and bake or do something while they go back to bed!!! GGGRRR!!! As much as I love them sometimes I want to kick their butts! I am just so totally upset... I finally went to get the Orthopedic Surgeon for the CT results on my lower back. 

Well, as I figured as always NEVER have I had one test (CT or MRI) come back & say how bad something really is... it's not until I spend sometimes YEARS griping & bitching, and then they finally do surgery, and YES it's all MUCH worse than any of their scans!!!! IT has happened to me on my neck, my knees, my shoulders, my hips and back lumbar spine now.... (I look up what the CT Scan says and ALL OF MY SYMPTOMS ARE RELATED TO EXACTLY WHAT HE FOUND ON THE CT SCAN, EVEN THOUGH MY DOCTOR ACTED AS IF THEY WERE NO BIG DEAL!)

 I am so sick of paying out good money, then having to travel on the other side of Dallas almost to get to the doctor, and then it's like "no big deal"... Well I have the report, and THERE are thing wrong!!!! It's much worse than the one 4 years ago.. Now I am not saying he needs to jump in and do surgery BUT at least acknowledge there are issues and they could be causing the severity of pain I am in, then my left hand at the base of my knuckles on the top side from the middle finger down to my thumb all of a sudden has swollen up huge, is red and appears to almost have "fever" in it... and hurts so much I could barely stand to drive with it or even use it for anything... and I've never had problems with my left hand always my right one and not this bad... so on top of that, I had him look at the right shoulder that HE did a "total reverse replacement" on about 7 years ago... and it's been so bad with pain, and being weak and stiff ever since my last neck surgery in 2017..

 I am not sure what he did when he was doing that neck surgery, but I know it was a mess in there, but they must have positioned that shoulder in some way that really messed it up... when I showed him (as he could not even sit still long enough for me to talk to him) then he looks at my strange and says "this shoulder would I believe need to be replaced" it's "bone on bone" for some reason... so why don't he just say he screwed it up.... that would mean a MAJOR SURGERY... that would take 4 hours or more to totally replace that entire shoulder and then I may not have good use from it, or still have pain and stiffness, and it be more weak than it is now.... PLUS my ankles were so swollen after spending over an hour driving to Dallas yesterday, and then by the time I got home, I had to get on the sofa, and get them up... well, I think it's due to whatever is going on with my "heart function" being worse... I need that "special pacemaker" that has 2 leads to two different places in my heart, but I had been in the middle of this lower back mess when I found out about the heart thing, so I wanted to find out what the hell was going on with the back before going to get another doctor and facing a pacemaker, that started out as just a tiny pacemaker to help up my heart rate, to my cardiologist did that echocardiogram before the pacemaker was put in. Come to find out my heart function is worse than it has been ever...

It had not changed at all since actually that 1st heart attack back when I was 40... even though I had another one at 50, that one was mild enough, it's didn't cause anymore "damage" to the heart muscle... well now I had not had an echo done for 2 years and for some reason now the function in one chamber has gone down, SO had I NOT been the one to "kind of push" for the pacemaker at first for the heart rate being so low, we may have not found out about this heart function thing, until I had some type of problem.. I apologize everyone I hate to always seem to be "griping" every time I even try to post..... and I don't mean it that way, it just seems that I cannot get a break, if it's not one thing it's the we have very severe thunderstorms coming all weekend, even possibly through next week.... and the weather has been so nuts, we are "eat up" with all kinds of ants, bugs, the rain has driven them up on the house, all of a sudden I am fighting them in the house, and I keep my house spotless, so there is nothing they are after it's just the crazy weather.... 

I am exhausted and seem to just have it piling on more and more, the lawn cannot get mowed all the way, because the weather acts up or I have to do something else before I can finish mowing....I again am just so sick and tired, of being sick and tired and of having one problem after the other... I did call and schedule the appt with the heart specialist about the pacemaker with 2 leads - I see him next week, and at least he is closer, just about 15 miles away instead of half way to OK... by the time you drive to see anyone in Dallas the way things are now... here is info on different types of pacemakers.. and this company also makes my pain pump

I KNOW IT SEEMS all I do is fuss, gripe and whine about everything... I would just like to have a bit of peace of mind and everything else for a few months, heck I would settle for days!!!


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

SICK and TIRED of the "stigma" placed on so many of us with Chronic Pain and just how horribly it effects our lives, I feel it's time for me to step up and also state my feelings on the subject!

For a long time, I've kept my "mouth shut" when it comes to the business over those who want to make EVERYONE, with Chronic Pain and Chronic Illnesses, look like a bunch of junkies! But, I am just too fed up with it! It's gotten to the place that rather than focus on other countries who could destroy our nation with bombs, or talk about how to "help" those with pain problems, or use their talk to make available more research dollars, funding to help those who are ill, rather than make us all feel as if we are doing something wrong. 

As I use the example of someone with Diabetes, would you take away their insulin? A person with high blood pressure would you deny them medications to lower their blood pressure? I've been thru just about every type of other "pain reliever" you can imagine. chiropractors, injections into my spine and occipital nerves in my neck, injections into just about every joint on my body, I am on several medications for the Lupus and RA, yet some other medications that I had MANY SIDE EFFECTS FROM, that were supposed to help with chronic pain, I have every surgery that is a promise to help my pain, I walk daily, I don't stay sedentary, I try and do all I can to ease my pain. I've gone through NSAIDS that can cause me to have another heart attack. 

My 2nd MI partially was caused from chronic pain, and after the fractures to my hip, my pain level increased, due to many things such as the change of my gait, my neck in such bad shape, that he has to "stretch" it 2 INCHES, because I lost that much disc space... So, I KNOW ABOUT ALL F THE alternatives. Some of which work wonderfully for some people. I am thrilled that some find relief from things such as Gabapentin, which caused me to "hallucinate" even on a small dose. So, after going through SO MANY YEARS, of every type of other treatment available, what "works" for me, may not be what works for someone else. "Chronic Pain" in itself is extremely complicated. Due to having SO MANY CONDITIONS, that can cause this type of pain, it's taken an "army of physicians", medications, treatments, surgeries, injections, therapy, you name it, I've done it to find "what works" for me, with the least amount of side effects possible. 

So it just "burns my butt" to hear the crude and down right stupid remarks some say about us patients, that live with pain daily. I give a good example. I had NO CLUE, HOW PAINFUL, a fractured hip was, UNTIL IT HAPPENED TO ME! That was one of the most excruciating times in my life, as far as pain goes. OMG, kidney stones are horrible and unrelenting at times. But those two fractures of my right hip.... were almost unbearable. Every tiny movement caused me so much pain, I thought I would go into convulsions. Even being put on the stretcher and taken over my lawn to the ambulance, I was literally screaming, crying and probably cursing so badly and loudly, all of my neighbors heard me! I even waited over 2 HOURS, before calling the ambulance.

I wanted to "make sure" I had a fracture, and not just a "bruised hip" before calling the ambulance. Then them trying to do an X-ray or moving me in any way, I shook and screamed in so much pain. And those things are "acute pain" issues. So, you take some of those and put them with someone often daily or many times in a month's time, and see how well they would function in life for very long. I tend to be one of those people who try and not "show my pain" or illnesses in public. But, believe me just because I am not limping or using a cane, or whining and moaning in pain, does NOT mean that it's not there. So, some of you may get sick and tired of seeing me post about all of this ridiculous uproar over this so called "crisis", but I intend to keep on getting the word out as much as I can, and supporting EACH OF US, who would be "lifeless" if we had to withstand chronic pain and illnesses without any type of relief. 

The LONG LIST of illnesses that can cause relentless pain are endless. You can have "diabetic neuropathy", many different types of arthritic illnesses, autoimmune illnesses and syndromes, nerve pain from degeneration of the joints, of bones, of the spine, migraines of many types now, TMJ, FM, torn muscles and ligaments, surgeries sometimes can cause pain, "neuralgia" comes from so many types of illnesses, whether sciatic nerve pain, from a lower back issue, or pain in the arms, wrists, fingers, from a cervical neck problem, or from problems with diseases causing bone pain, cancers of many types, all types of "myalgia's", torn muscles, chronic sprains, cartilage gone in joints, certain types of chronic bladder problems, certain intestinal chronic health problems, and the list goes on and on about health conditions that can cause or contribute to chronic pain and chronic illnesses. 

I've decided that I am going to "fight" as much as I can online, with petitions, letters and such the ridiculous claims that "everyone" who takes a pain medication is "addicted" or an abuser. Whether it be governmental bodies, the DEA, the FDA, or the President, (HOW CAN any of those people who have NEVER HAD A SEVERE AND CHRONIC PAIN DISEASE POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND OR KNOW ALL OF WHAT WE GO THROUGH IN A SINGLE WEEK?" ALSO, I am SICK OF the health insurance companies "calling" constantly, wanting to "go over" your medications "over the phone" when NOW THEY DON'T EVEN SAY WHO THEY ARE ON CALLER ID! Now rather than saying the name of the company, Caller ID usually say "1-800" number calling... how do I KNOW THEY ARE WHOM THEY SAY THEY ARE? Why do I want to "discuss" something that honestly, is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! That is between MYSELF, MY PHYSICIANS, and if I NEED HELP, MY OWN PHARMACISTS? It is insane how many calls I get from so called health insurance, wanting to discuss, "this, that or the other" about my "health".... I HAVE A LIFE TOO, and I don't care to sit on the phone for an hour telling a person I don't know and have no earthly idea who they are about my medications or anything else for that matter!!!!! 

We are WARNED AND WARNED ABOUT NOT GIVING OUT PRIVATE information over the phone to those we don't know.... so this is a prime example of what irritates the hell out of me!

I got a call earlier in the week, from a "guy" who I didn't even "understand" asking for me? He never said where he was from, or whom he worked for, and then when he mentions my medications, I got irritated and told him I was NOT at that time discussing it with him. In the first place, THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME, THOSE PEOPLE EITHER CANNOT SPELL 

MY MEDICATIONS, OR THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE FOR! Why should I have to "explain" those things over the phone to anyone????

So, some of you may get sick and tired of my ranting on the subject, but enough is enough!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dealing with Daily "Issues" that for those who are NOT ILL, can deal with them fine! Take someone with RA, Lupus, Joint Issues and they are Major problems! Here is my Story!

I would have to write a BOOK to tell all I've been through this past few days. First of all, my pup, Bub's who is highly allergic to any type of "bite"... was clawing and scratching himself yet I could NOT find one flea, have not seen a flea, and had been driving myself crazy. He has always had skin issues, especially being hyper-sensetive and itching... and he was whining, crawling up in my lap, and even when I asked him"Bub's are you itchy?" - he would head for the kitchen so I would give him a Benadryl. Anyway, I FINALLY got him where I could really take a good look on Friday, and found a bit of "flea dirt' (which honestly I had not known about) on his bottom...where I knew any flea loves to hide... yet still NO flea's! 

So, I sprayed him, sprayed the other one down Peanut, then salted and and put the washing type of Borax own my rugs, and let that sit. That was after spraying the outside of the house, getting more granules and broadcasting them in the back, front and everywhere I could outside. I sprayed down everything in the house with "Flea Enforcer" which a few years ago, worked like a charm, and you can spray it on even your bed, pillows, sofa etc.... so, I got some of that done, had to leave the salt and Borax to sit for awhile, and went to run errands. I was SUPPOSED TO LEAVE YESTERDAY FOR THE CASINO! 

So, I as "trying" to get ready for that. I had a million things to do, in the yard, in the house, running errands (this was Saturday) and my "light" to tell me my tires were "under inflated" came on. It does that when the weather changes from hot to cooler, but I checked them and they needed air. But, it was already late in the afternoon, I was exhausted, needed to get home to vacuum up that stuff, pack my clothes, so I decided to wait and I would air up the tires Sunday afternoon. So, I get up Sunday, preparing my meds, my clothes, deciding what to wear, and also when to leave to try and "avoid" some of the rush hour traffic Monday morning in Dallas, headed to Winstar. So, I go and get me some quarters (now it is like 1.00 OR MORE for air) and I went to air them where I always do... downtown, at the station across the street fro the automated car wash. Theirs is on the side, and not a lot of traffic etc... so I can park where I can be as up close as I can be... So I get all of them stem covers off, get my quarters ready, and get the line ready to pull, and it comes on, and I TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED, but my arms and especially HANDS are so stiff, swollen, and I guess weak from the RA and all the trouble I've been having -

 I TRIED THREE TIMES (3.00) and I STILL DID NOT GET THOSE TIRES AIRED UP! By then I was upset, hurting worse than ever, pissed, off (AND THIS GUY CIRCLED THE STATION 4 TIMES, WATCHING ME, YET NEVER OFFERED ANY HELP! THE FREAKING JERK!) Well, It is Sunday, I have no clue where to go to have anyone put air in the tires, and hell now you cannot get anyone to do it, even when I had my oil changed, I was pissed because i ASKED HIM TO AIR THEM UP, MY LIGHT WAS ON BACK THEN) I GET IN THE Car and the LIGHT IS ON, HE NEVER put the right amount of air in them, they take 35PSI IN THE FRONT AND 233 PSI IN THE BACK! I know I've done it myself and hell been doing my own tire airing up for YEARS AND YEARS! Yet, I just could not pull that damned line, hold it up to the stem tightly enough, and the push the nozzle to let the air in.... my hands, wrists, even neck and shoulders just could not let me! SO, I GO HOME IN TEARS, JUST SOBBING.... mad, and so upset, because I would NOT drive the car to Winstar without the tires aired up correctly. I wanted to leave EARLY Monday morning about 6AM or so, so I was NOT going to find anyone to help me and besides by then I did not want to hassle with the entire ordeal. SO, I wound up COMING HOME, CALLING AND CANCELING MY RESERVATION AGAIN!

 I GOT HOME DID THE vacuuming, this was already 5PM or after by the time I finished all of that, and made me and the pups some dinner, and watched a movie. So, that meant NO TRIP again... I've NOT BEEN OUT OF ENNIS SINCE BEFORE MY MOM GOT SICK IN JANUARY! I've not had ONE break, all I have done, is do paperwork (which is still not finished) paint, clean, cut down tree limbs, spend BUCKS to get rid of bees, get stung by those damned wasps, and do any and everything else, but I STILL HAVE NOT HAD EVEN ONE DAMNED AFTERNOON OF A BREAK! MY NECK IS BAD! I need surgery and now, after hurting my lower back again the time Mom got home from the hospital my lower back is always killing me... 

YES, I GO AHEAD AND CUT TREE LIMBS, AND DO EVERYTHING ELSE, HURTING OR NOT, BECAUSE HOW THE HELL DOES IT GET DONE, IF I DON'T DO IT???? If I allowed myself, I would sit on that sofa, and let myself "wallow" in all of the pain, the upset feelings, the hurt, the guilt, and the MAD PLACE THAT I AM over what I TOLD MY MOM SHE WOULD CAUSE, BEFORE SHE PASSED AWAY! NOW she is GONE, AND GUESS WHAT??? Exactly WHAT I TRIED TO WARN HER ABOUT IS HAPPENING! IT IS DAMNED IF I DO, AND DAMNED IF I DON'T.... I am too tired, hurting too badly, and need a freaking moment that I do not have to DEAL WITH CRAP! So, that is why I've not been "online".... I've not felt like it and not only that I HAVE NOT HAD EVEN A MOMENT TO BREATHE... I HAD TO GO, BUY A 12 VOLT Portable Air "compressor".... it runs off of your car, and I bought that yesterday when I found it in Wal-Mart. 

Although I still had to mess with it, and dammit, I know better, I've got to go and buy some stem covers, I always wind up dropping them... BUT I GOT MY TIRES AIRED UP CORRECTLY YESTERDAY AFTERNOON AND THE LIGHT IS NOW OFF! Plus NO MORE do I have to worry about pulling on a damned air hose, I can air my tires up anywhere.... It is small and fits right into my hatchback, with my car cleaning stuff... so PROBLEM SOLVED FINALLY!