Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Prescription Pain Medications and Legitimate Patients Once Again Could face issues... we MUST stand up for OUR RIGHTS!

Again, as you can see, those of us who ARE chronic pain patients and we DO take our Medications PROPERLY and we keep them SAFE, LOCKED UP, and take them ONLY AS DIRECTED, following all of the "pain doctors" orders to a "t" so we do NOT abuse our medications, nor are we the ones using them for "recreational" use, or to do something illegal with them. SO, the "FEW" the DO NOT use them correctly, OR they sell them, or overtake them, or get them from numerous doctors and so on, cause US the very people the medications are for, to SUFFER!!! It is already DIFFICULT ENOUGH to get into a GOOD pain doctor that DOES prescribe pain medications. Then when you do, never would you try and do anything to jeopardize that "contract" between you and your physician!!!! WE MUST stand UP for OURSELVES!!! Or once again, we will be in a place that we may have suffer needlessly due to the few that do wrong. This has to be talked about, taken seriously, and we are the ones, the PATIENTS that must fight for our rights as being able to do "our lives like I do my own.... So, each of you, that are in the same situation, I would love to hear from you, and see what you have to say about this ever changing issue... it sucks that a few, can cause harm to so many.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

New Clinical Trials - Cure Click & My Relationship to all of this..

Currently, there are 6 Clinical Trials going at Cure Click

I wanted to give you a look at all 6 of them at once here in my blog, along with some facts, figures, and how I am involved with these. Giving you MORE information, I hope to help you understand YOU or someone else you MAY KNOW, with one of these illnesses may qualify to get possible involvement in a Clinical Trial. I realized a couple of years ago, that "Clinical Trials" in themselves can be sometimes a bit "complicated" to read through, understand, and even try to find out where they are and how you may qualify. After being asked to be a part of "Cure Click", I was thrilled to see that this is sort of a whole new way to possibly get into a clinical trial, and in ways that can make the "red tape" less and getting the possible help out of a clinical trial you may be seeking. So, here are links to the 6 trials available (and watch for more on the way shortly) that are active now. Then below them will be some information that will help you understand the trials, how they work, what my role in this is, and please always feel free to ask me if you need additional information about any of these, or about anything you might need to know about clinical trials in general.

Prostate Cancer


People with Previously Treated Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

High Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Patients With Mild to Moderate Asthma    

Severe Asthma    


 Type II Diabetes   

As you can see there is a wide array of Clinical Trials Available at this time, and more to come shortly. I had said that there are many things about Cure Click I like, and between being a bit easier to understand and go through to find out if you qualify, along with a way to ask questions to myself, or through Cure click, it really does make getting into a Clinical Trial seem simpler and less red tape.

I hope if you or someone you know would like to find out if you can qualify, feel free to click any of the links above, or you can post here, or send me a message and let me know what else you might need to know. If I can be of help then that is why I am doing this, is to HELP Others!

And here is my own involvement in Cure Click plus other information you may want to know.






Monday, May 25, 2015


Cure Click

Saturday, May 23, 2015

IN "Rememberance" of those who have given their lives "Memorial Day", National Polka Festival and the Texas Motorplex!

Most of us just "live" for the "Official Start" of Summer! We tend to view "Memorial Day" as the holiday to begin warm weather, lots of outings, camping, trips to the lake, and plenty of great cooking, from barbeque, to potato salad, deviled eggs, chips, dip, you name it, all of that "summer" food! Oh, and of course, never forget a bit a beer splashed in there also.

We also for the most part know why we are in such celebration of this holiday. It is to given remembrance to ALL of our fallen men and women throughout history, that were out their, and risked life and limb to keep our country free and safe. I wanted to share a bit of history about it all, so I found a couple of links to share.

I also made my visit to my Dad's grave, put new flowers on it, and gosh forgot the flag. If this weather will give me a break over the next couple of days, I will make sure I get a flag out there also.

I didn't know about the "poppies" and how they play a role in all of this. So, I found that part interesting.

Here are the links:

So, as we celebrate our holiday weekend in all kinds of ways, I want to say a very Happy and very Safe Memorial Day to All. I realize for many of us, the weather may "dampen" our celebration. For us here in the Ennis, area, just below Dallas, we are supposed to also be celebrating National Polka Festival. For those of you that don't know, Ennis has an amazing history of many people here that are of Czech background. Many are either full blood, or at least half Czech. We have many that their close relatives may have come over from the country, like my Great Grandparents did, many years ago. So, it is a huge National Celebration, and our town of about 8,000 will be more like 20,000 this weekend. The weather here is very bleak, gray and also rainy. So, that does put a real "damper" on the parade and all of the outside activities that start off this morning and go until Sunday evening. We have several "Czech" Halls here. They all of Polka bands, and in fact the Bellamy Brothers are here to be the opening band at the Sokol Hall this year. There is no telling how much barbeque, Klobase', Kolaches, Saurkraut and everything else that goes along with it will be consumed, as well as a LOAD of beer! They will be dancing the Polka all weekend long and even have a dance here in one of our streets, usually on one that still has the original brick that was first laid here in town for our streets. I am putting this link up for those of you that would like to know more about the event:

Here you go, this is the main website that can tell you all about it, the history, and see the beautiful costumes. I had several when I was younger. I am "Half Czech". My Mom is full blood and it was her Grandparents that came over on a boat there at the statue of Liberty many, many years ago..

So, as you can see, this "small town" has a great deal of "life" in it. Also, for any that don't know we also have what used to be the only "all-concrete" drag racing facility here. Which is the Texas Motorplex!!!! This town used to host two of the National events annually. One used to be on this weekend also, the spring nationals. I believe it probably just got too large too handle all of the events on one weekend. So, Ennis hosts the Fall Nationals in September I believe. When advertised they say in "Dallas", but NO it is right here in Ennis TX...

Believe it or not I RACED down that drag strip several years back!!! We at that time did the Friday races in the spring and summer months. I spent a great deal of time out there when I was not "chronically ill" ... and loved the racing... nothing like going down a track, in a car, the quarter mile, at well over 120 MPH, for a "novice" like myself... So, that is another fact about my town.I did the "bracket racing" back then....

Friday, May 22, 2015

WOW!!!! Talk about OVERWHELMING!!!!!

I wanted to reach out to all of you that come and read on my blog. I realize that I was not getting it "out there" like I needed to.

Then between becoming a voice, advocate, an Ambassador, A Platinum Ambassador, Activist, and volunteer, I began to be able to have a better audience.

I have several to thank for this but I will say THANKS ALL OF YOU!!!

Right now I have had MORE page views than any other time of this blog... and I have had 335 so far today!!!!!! 

That is just totally mind boggling!!!

I am in support of a great deal of Organizations who are moving forward to make life different in good ways for so many chronically ill, chronic pain patients, autoimmune illnesses, arthritic illnesses... and I know being a "part" of those has helped me "round my field" of my "audience"....

I feel I should shout out to a few, but I hope I don't leave anyone out...

My heart felt thanks and more to...

The Arthritis Foundation

WEGO Health

Cure Click (a part of WEGO)

WEGO "Health Hero's"

International Autoimmune Arthritis Foundation

The Pain Foundation

The Sjogren's Foundation

The Lupus Foundation

Lupus Research Institute


Power of Pain Foundation

Alliance for Lupus Research

and the list goes on and on... I probably need to update the list on my blog right now.... to ALL of you... thank you for your believing in me, for listening when things really suck, for "celebrating the good things", for showing me new ways, and a new day when it comes to living with some of the horrid diseases and illnesses.... Without all of you, all of THIS would not be possible!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Women, Fashion, and Our Health "HIGH Heels" How many of us would say "we don't like them?"

As I had posted on my Facebook page, that all of us as women, and especially those who have worked or work in many type of business scenes, of course felt HIGH heels, were almost a must.

I know for myself, being in the banking industry for so many years, and then in a business office for a hospital for years also, for the most part dresses, or skirts and tops/suits were a requirement. It just made sense to have a nice pair of heels to go with certain attire. Or take for instance, going "out of the town", or to a party! If a woman is dressed to the "nine's" in a beautiful evening gown, heels are usually a must. I admit I had a pair colored for just about every outfit I owned. Yellow, several pairs of black and red heels, white, orange, green, royal blue, silver, and some of course that have been my favorites are platforms heels. I have two pair in my closet right now that are about 6 inches and platform. I LOVE those heels! I got those back years ago, before "platforms" and "extreme heels" were in fashion. At that time it was almost hard to find a platform very high heel, let's say like my idol "Stevie Nicks" wears.... and at past 60 years old, probably closer to 65, she STILL wears them! And she still ROCKS the stage.

Yet, most of us knew and know that heels are horrible for your back, legs, feet, and body in general. If you take a "spill" in a pair, you can do some damage to yourself also.

So, now at just over 50, if I could still "rock" those heels, believe I would. I still have my white pair from my wedding, and I have a pair of black patent ones that I still brave at times.

But, I've had two knee replacements, a complete shoulder replacement, a neck surgery, more issues with my lumbar spine now and legs. Plus I have osteoporosis. So, me trying to wear a pair of really high heels, could cause several broken bones, if I were to fall.

I still love them. Each time I walk by the shoe department in some of the upscale places, I almost cry, because I could and would love to have a pair of several each time I see them.

But, as this article states, they are not good for us at all, and quite frankly most of us, if we really tell the truth, they are uncomfortable on our feet. After walking in them for a while, it is just horrible, yet we put up with them in the name of "fashion".

So, here is the URL to the article:

Now these are what I miss!!!