Tuesday, May 16, 2017

World Autoimmune/Autoinflammatory Arthritis Day

 In one week we'll be putting the AUTO in AUTOimmune & AUTOinflammatory Arthritis by hosting a virtual awareness race via Facebook & Twitter - and YOU need to help "drive" the awareness!

Learn more at www.WAAD17.org - and invite others (SHARE!)
— with American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), CreakyJoints and International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis.
Take a look at the website, and Facebook page! YOU can find out more at both of those.

It's time to take Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses, and "run" them off the track! 



Saturday, May 13, 2017

Wishing ALL of the Mom's Grandmothers, Step Mom's, & Each and every Lady that has"been, felt and feels like a "Mom" - Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing Each and Everyone of the Mom's Out there a Very Happy, Joyful and Wonderful Mother's Day!!! All MOM"S are truly SPECIAL!!!!

Know You have blessed so many with your kindness, love, caring, and all that you give every day unconditionally!!!


A Mom's "job" is never done. Once we are "Mom's" that is our lifetime commitment. No matter how old or young our kids or we are, it is truly a lifetime of love....

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

World Lupus Day/Month May 2017!

Lupus Awareness Month 2017

Lupus is more pervasive and severe than people think, and has a devastating impact that the public doesn't realize. In fact, research shows that a staggering two-thirds of the public knows little or nothing about lupus. You can help change that.
Join the nationwide effort to pump up the purple this May to raise awareness and funds for lupus research and education programs. Rally support from your
friends and family and get started today!


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Update on my Cervical Neck Surgery..... news is frightening honestly!

My visit went "okay" on my follow up 11 days after the neck surgery. What I found out though this HAD TO WORK AND IT NEEDS TO HEAL AND STAY WORKING! I don't have much bone to even work with anymore... he took out all of the hardware, and one of my other surgery levels had completely fused and was awesome. It was "between" the two the were new and then one that never quite healed right from the 2012 surgery. It is amazing to look at the X-rays and wonder how the heck they get all of that in there, and make it work. I am in the HARD COLLAR THOUGH another 5 WEEKS! 

Then i go to a soft collar, but he told me frankly we needed to take every precaution we could to make sure this does get the job done... my lumbar spine he said, and he was upset I did not tell him months back about how bad it had gotten, but my neck after seeing NO SPACE LITERALLY between two of the discs, and how he managed to put almost 2 1/2 inches of space and then remove a huge bone spur that was also in that area... but lumbar surgery could be done in about 9 weeks if it stays bad or gets worse. He said I could have lower surgery even a bit earlier as long as my neck progresses .... anyway, I then I think put myself in a "tension" after hearing him and then I think I am having muscle spasms on the left side where it is so bad, plus just stressed myself out so 

I didn't sleep again as well as I should have and was up "early" but at least not at 2AM and was actually asleep until about 3:30AM before I finally got up. I don't want to sit and type much. Right now although the pain and burning etc has really gone down so much so quickly, I don't want to chance i and I don't want to run into messing something up.... so that is my report... once I get the operative report, I will have to post some of that so you can hear just how much he had to do in orde to have enough to work with this time...

Friday, April 28, 2017

LUPUS Awareness MONTH May 2017!!!! LOTS you can do to get message through to Congress, to Walk, Advocacy from Home and Much More!

Use the Lupus Research Alliance Legislative Action Center to tell legislators why we need greater funding for scientific research at the National Institutes for Health and allocations to continue a dedicated lupus research program at the Department of Defense. Equally important is to convey why we must make sure that any new healthcare policy allows all people with this challenging disease to get the critical medical care they need. And to be most effective, share your own story – share how lupus affects you! bit.ly/LupusLAC