Sunday, December 8, 2019

New Flu Treatment Approved, RA Doctors how many have you seen?

FDA approves new drug to treat influenza

On the "average" how many Rheumatologists have you seen before you found one that was "okay" as far as treatment, diagnosis and so forth?

I FINALLY did get to the RA's Office on Friday. Of course I rarely see him & have to see his NP or PA (actually I am not sure which one she is). I believe she is in school to finish up the PA License. Anyway, I had to go over the entire story starting from about the end of May or so, till the pacemaker finally. Actually I had filled all of that out & more earlier that week before going to the office SOnI would NOT have to spend 45 minutes telling it again. Alas, if it had been my DOCTOR, he would have read it all, and knew exactly what had been happening with me. He always is on top of everything when I can see him. I told herI already had labs done (including everything there is I think) about 8 weeks ago for the pacemaker. I also told her from now on send my "lab request with me, I will have them done here at my PCP Office. At SW in Dallas, they CHARGE separately for labs & last time they did not tell me they changed that so it cost me the co-pay and then another 70.00 for "my part of the labs).. when I asked why it changed the lady on the phone said the doctors "lease" the offices, so that is separate now from the clinic! BULL! My RA Physician TEACHES, DOES CLINICAL ROTATION, DOES RESEARCH, & SEES VERY FEW PATIENTS..So, I have to believe whomever doing the billing for the labs is not billing correctly.. She put me back on the exact same meds I had been on that honestly I don't think work. She was shocked how much worse the RA was, especially when my left hand, wrists ,fingers, thumb was so bad. I am not sure if they are right on their diagnosis. Those fingers on the left hand are continuing to "turn"n& the middle finger is laying on top of my ring finger. Frankly after the last time I took 8 or 9 weeks of antibiotics, & they never did know if I had "reactive infectious arthritis" or the RA was getting worse or what. I came home Friday in rush hour traffic from Dallas & was just disgusted with it all. I FEAR the Enbrel now since it's an injection weekly & I seem to not stay free from infections then add the Enbrel & that can cause them to be worse. Plus here is the flu season. Sounds like we are in for a huge problem with people being extremely ill even in the hospital with the flu this season. So, be sure to GET YOUR FLU SHOT, get the kids to understand to wash hands, not drink or eat from others & if anyone has the slightest sign of flu, go immediately & get the new shot. It won't _cure_ it but it will keep you far less ill, & get you well within a few days rather than like some and take a month or get pneumonia. (Xofluza, which can be taken via a single oral dose to help patients recover more quickly from the flu.)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Charity founded by Lady Gaga & her Mom called "Born This Way" Foundation

      New Foundation by Lady Gaga & her Mom the
"The Born this Way" Foundation

She also has Lupus. I believe she found out fairly recently. After seeing how much kindness she shows to especially youth, the younger kids, teens, and early 20's.... she touched my heart.

Monday, December 2, 2019

#GIVINGTUESDAY Crucial things that need our assistance in giving in some way...

As we celebrated Thanksgiving and now rush around for items under the tree remember there are extremely crucial people, non-profits and more to give your help to...If all you can do is "Spread the Word" about your favorite Charity - That is also Giving of Yourself...


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bullying - "Kids bullied" at school since they are turned away at lunch time due to not have money to pay...

Bullying - "Kids bullied" at school since they are turned away at lunch time due to not have money to pay...

Why are kids being "shamed" for something they can't help? And for the lunch room people to allow those kids to be shamed is just horrid.

What if it was your kid? What if you were not able to give them them lunch or fix a lunch for them. Maybe they go to bed hungry... then have to go to school and have nothing to eat.

I know some think this cannot possibly be happening, but it is, and it's i a pure horrible day in our nation when ANY child goes without ANY meal!

Taxes are paid annually... plus money for many other things, like football, and other sports, or other things for school. Some as nearly as crucial as our kids kids getting fed daily.

Even if they have to just fix the kids a "sack lunch" with a sandwich, milk, jell or pudding, or a piece of fruit... far better than them being shamed, going hungry, and being treated like so badly, Just like you see the elderly ladies buying tuna, for themselves nd their cats. 

It is just a sad day in this nation when that other crap goes on ,fighting and fussing at the Capitol, rather than making our kids are getting fed daily.