Saturday, September 26, 2020

NEW Clinical Trial Sponsored by Cure Click!

 A Clinical Trial for COVID-19 is Looking for Volunteers in Your Area. Contribute to a solution that could help to solve the global health crisis. See if you are eligible. #covid19 #sponsored #cureclick

Moderna has selected nearly 100 clinical research sites and is partnering closely with those sites to ensure that volunteers at increased risk for COVID-19 disease are enrolled in the study. These research sites are working within their local communities to reach a diverse population, in order to achieve a shared goal that the participants in the COVE Study are representative of the communities at highest risk for COVID- 19 and of our diverse society. Help Advance COVID-19 Vaccine Research! Thank you for joining us in our fight against COVID-19.

#covid19 #sponsored #cureclick

More "SPAM" calls than ever, "waiver temporarily of registration in TX on title renewals, fed up with my doctor (rheumy) & as the "World of Rhia" turns

           DOES IT EVER END????

From COVID, to sudden doctors acting "odd" (my Rheumatologist), to so much pain, weather changes, MORE "new normal or temporary changes due to this Pandemic... and as the "World of rhia and COVD turns....



... All of a sudden he seemed to act as if "he was not sure" about my diagnosis!!! AFTER 10 YEARS NOW OF SEEING ME AND THE CRAP I HAVE AND AM STILL GOING THROUGH WITH ALL OF THE JOINTS, SWELLING PAIN, LOSING USE OF MY HANDS FINGERS BAND SO ON... I got "no answers" other than "more lab work" well hell we just ran THOSE EXACT SAME TESTS ON 9/8/20 THE 1 THING I USED TO LIKE ABOUT HIM HE DID NOT PLACE "EVERYTHING" ON LABS.. LIKE SOME DOCTORS.. NOT ALL Lab work can "tell the story" same way I've been through more CT Scans that "look" one way,, then they do surgery to find out that joint WAS MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN SOME CT SCAN WAS SHOWING!!!

 I am FED UP!!! with ALL doctors!!!!! NOT ONE TIME have they done a CT, X-ray or when I could have other tests the may not show how bad it was... until I was in such pain I was just going nuts.. they surgery and find iust things are much worse than some a lady just talked about going through 7 doctors or so, and many tests and they kept telling her"nothing" was wrong..she..finally she went to the cancer hospital either in Houston or up in OK, and they found out she did have cancer and those oncologists DID find it & CURED HER! I am just fed up further than I can even talk about!

It is time for US to STAND UP FOR ALL WE BELIEVE IN & NOT allow the "bad guys" to win! We never KNOW from 1 MOMENT to the NEXT how many "moments" we have left, thus loving, giving of self, voicing your opinion in the right and honorable way, do your part by voting, support family, friends, and those who have been through fires, hurricanes, COVID-19 more than ever, now the upcoming FLU,


TEASING SOMEONE ABOUT THEIR HOME, OR WHAT THEY EAT FOR LUNCH HARMS THAT PERSON & YOURSELF.. AND WHAT "PARTY" YOU "BELONG" TO DOES NOT DO A THING FOR OUR NATION.. IT IS THE PERSON IN THOSE POSITIONS OF OUR GOVERNMENT THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. I just saw an email where kids are TEASING kids with "Acne"... how horrible is that? Rather than "demean" them find a way to help instead. It could be you!

Has anyone gotten their renewal for their car? It is rather confusing... usually ( and the regular form is in there) we have about a month ahead to take car of it getting inspected, and then can finish u the registration in person, online or in btheb mail which are all "usual" ways. This time mine hada note in it about COVID and giving us like an "extra" month or actually "temporarily suspended"nto do this. But, they also now are offering all different licence plates & get a different plate for a "50.00 off rebate" (go figure) I am just confused as to what to do and how... I guess the beat thing is to see if they have UPDATED THINGS ONLINE BEFORE "JUMPING IN"....

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

We continue to, gripe, fuss, & be peeved over all happening in our nation not think but how much worse bit was & could be...

 OH, how we gripe, fuss, whine, mope, and bitch about how bad things are, yet not really thinking how much worse it could get!

And (IMHO) in my humble opinion, if we do NOT get a tremendous change in our President and the Senate and House with this crucial election upcoming here very soon.. it IT BE MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN WHATEVER YOU COULD NAME SOMETHING LARGER THAN A "PANDEMIC"!

Don't get me wrong, things are HORRIFIC!! Even for those of us over the age of 55 plus, for the most part none of us have seen the likes of COVD-19, now facing a possible new flu strain, where the "old ones" are bad enough, now hurricanes, one after the other worse than any over the Gulf of Mexico especially (yet how many still claim we have no "Global Warming" or Earth that is warming our oceans, as they fill some places with so much plastic and items that will never go away & will continue to ruin many places that used to be reeths where now is nothing but gray and no fish)..

Now wildfires again, so bad they are taking millions of acres of land, forests, homes and even lives over CA, Or & WA state. We also had just enough rain which was desperately needed in places in TX, that now have mosquitos' 'causing the West Nile Virus to rear its ugly head. Not to mention other bugs, mice, snakes, spiders, and all types of bugs that ruin crops, and as the fire ants I had rid my lawn of earlier this spring, now are taking over my lawn like never before. They are far worse than I have ever seen. A small child, animal or even anyone "allergic" to their stings, which they just "attach" themselves to you, and can sting over and over again. I KNOW, I do my own mowing etc. and I am allergic to them. So, when I try and get rid of a bed the size of a huge bowl, that had not been there the evening before, it seems impossible, to see the hundreds of millions that "boil" out of just one bed! One bite for me means swelling, severe stinging, a knot that comes up hard, white and will stay for weeks, if I don't try and get them off my feet. Not to mention the larger number of wasps, yellow jackets, the HUGE hornets, that could put someone in the hospital if they are allergic. I know it sounds as if I am off subject, but not really. Many of the things that come, are from how the severe weather changes, and now the COVID-19 & other illnesses that come along with them put people out of jobs, close businesses, make people so ill they spend over 6 weeks in the hospital, kids that can't go to physical school yet & everything else that follows along with those. Higher grocery and all items. Having to "not go in" stores yourself but go "Curbside" or however your market does it to keep people as far away from one another as they can. Masks MUST be worn by everyone who walks in stores in many tows and cities. That is not including the billions spent on equipment for things such as resperators, more sterile "throw away" gowns, gloves, masks, for all staff at all nursing homes. What ever happened to the "wash in hot water, and wrap, put in an autoclave, rather than throw away all of the instruments, gowns and so forth as we used to? I know people will say it is not as "sanitary" or it is "higher price".

 BUT it cannot be higher to throw away perfectly good tape, scissors, many instruments for surgeries, gowns, & items that are now taken out of a plastic package, maybe 1 or 2 things used, and the rest disguared in the trash! What a waste of money! Especially when we are running out of items doctors, nurses and medical staff could use. I've watched them open a "tray" of items, and throw away much of it just because they needed a "plastic pair: of tweezers, etc to possibly remove stitches. Tape is expensive, but can you imagine how much goes into those disposable tray? I know sometimes since my insurance and I am PAYING FOR what is going in the trash in I would like to grab and taken home with me. think of the amount of those items in just one COVID-19 day that are still sterile & I could certainly use at home for some purpose. It is ridiculous wha amount of dollars are thrown away. They tell us it is "cheaper" than having to wash, sterilize and autoclave instruments I think that is bull. It could help create jobs that went by the wayside, due to plastic items that are pitched in our landfills or thrown in special bins and burned into our air. I get furious when I already know the numbers of items pitched away just in one surgery. It's insane. Then they wonder why insurance it's so expensive &  doctors charging so much.

The catastrophic human life, financial spending, the overspending that goes into our medical fields is crazy! Yet, we can't seem to keep "great" doctors, nurses and medical staff. they are "frightened", Hell scared to death they or their families could become infected with this still much unknown, no vaccine, not supportive care and education of those who do become severely ill for weeks and weeks, basically on "life support" with no family that can go in to help assist the mental stability of their loved ones. I feel we lose MANY people to COVID-19 to more "mental illness", where they are just "heartbroken" from not seeing those they love. They feel they have been left to "die". Then nurses and staff have t be their lifeline of caring & love to help them understand and know they have not been abandoned. It is the illness keeping loved ones from being at their side. 

Then all of those that have lost family, lost homes, all of their livestock, crops and out natural forests due to "fire storms", that  began with one cigarette butt thrown out a car window.

Then, the number of SEVERE HURRICANES that have moved across the Caribbean into the Gulf Coast waters, of Texas, Louisiana, Florida monumental! Never in most of history have these types of massive storms blown and washed away so much land, houses. so many that were never able to be rebuilt rom the last couple of those Hurricanes we considered the worst in history. Our entire "landscape" in some places have totally changed from waters, winds and fire damages, that they will never be the same a+

Our own childrens grandchildren will have something to certainly tell their own grandchildren about and how history was changed by nature itself "fire and water".

b by "fire and water"


Monday, September 14, 2020

How do you DEAL with ALL happening? COVID,FLU on its way,possible West Nile,Lupus,RA,Pseudo-gout,Chronic Pain, & now a "Death" of an Ex-Husband

 How do you DEAL with ALL happening? COVID,FLU on its way,possible West Nile,Lupus,RA,Pseudo-gout,Chronic Pain, & now a "Death" of an Ex-Husband... and the List goes on and on, Severe Anemia...  & WHAT IS NEXT?

and where do I begin? After over 290 "handwritten" pages about COVID-19 & the entire ordeal.. still there are many more typed, put on Facebook, on my Blog, in my blog, my head, & daily they come to me, at night they haunt me... Do I feel "guilt", pain, suffering, shame, am I supposed to be pissed off? Or am I supposed to "feel Sorry...  should I tell the story, or do I stay quiet? Do I try and get hold people & let them know. Or do I just allow it to play out as it is?

After so many years of supposedly him thinking we were the perfect "match" he suddenly "packs" what little he has and was trying to LEAVE BEFORE my Mom and I got home from an overnight trip! To this moment, as well as all others NO ONE KNOWS why he just "left"? 10 years of marriage, 13 years together... none of it made any sense... And I KEPT QUIET for WAY too long on the really horrible things he did and said, to anyone.

Here I was, chronically ill, with Lupus, RA, Sjogren's, osteoporosis, then Pseudogout & other issues turning my fingers "crooked" over one another. I was the bone that took care of it all, Although he "led" others to believe, even his own Mom, that HE DID everything! Bull!!! He barely cooked a meal every once in a while. from laundry, to groceries to cleaning, he did none of that..

So in 2016 when he just ups' and leaves that was bad enough. But, to NEVER come out with the truth... then in 2020 only 10 days or so before his 60th birthday... he disappears... has even the law, out looking for him...b & they find him "deceased" in some stranger's apartment..or as far as his good friends from that area knew, he knew no one where he was found. But, "Meth" & many of you know my own night terror with someone close on Meth... he was a coward, chicken, & has no love for his family, what is left of it, nor his "Step-Mom" whom he had considered his Mom all his life. And the few friends, that some had no clue about one another...  they are trying to get toxicology reports, and I suppose there could be an autopsy done. Since he was found without a bill fold, without his cell phone at 1st, he had no car, he had wrecked it a couple of weeks before... So, the "only" people that were close enough were out of town on vacation.. they did not find out till days after coming home. The law I guess finally found his cell phone to be able to try & find someone who knew for sure who it was.

I shall close this right now & give more as I find out, if I ever do...I feel for the few friends he had.. they will be totally in shock.

UPDATE December 23,2020

I spoke with my "ex-Mother In-Law" (she really will always be my Mother In Law, and a sweet lady, called me yesterday. I found out that although they never really found ALL of the DETAILS SHE WAS TOLD BY THE LAW ENFORCEMENT that Jim was found out in the country (lots of beautiful country side to drive through in WA State and admire) by himself, with on other evidence (I don't think they did an autopsy) that he had a massive Heart Attack. That was the reason I believe they ruled his death. It does not sound "right" to me... not like him to just drive off, and not take his daughter on an afternoon drive and not really tell her anything. Yet, I shall unless something else comes up, leave it at that hid died of a massive "MI". 

Lord knows, I DROVE MYSELF 20 MILES to the hospital in 2001 (I was 40 yrs old) to the hearest hospital, and even walked into the Emergency Room, about the time, I was much worse.. they immediately got a wheelchair, and into the main trauma room there. As they hooked me to machines, gave me an aspirin, and asked me who was with me, and I said "no one". I drove myself from home in Rice TX which is just about 20 miles from the hospital. If I had waited the doctor told me for an ambulance, or to get someone there to take me I would have not made it. That for one in his life he can say even though he would never suggest it, I was right to do what I did in order to live.

They gave me the injection of the "clot buster and it literally stops a heart attack from being worse if given in time. But he was putting me in Cardiac ICU until I was table then sending me to the Main Heart Hospital in Dallas. NEVEr EVER do I WANT TO RIDE IN AN AMBULANCE AGAIN! I believe in all that was my 3rd ride in one and it is a horrible experience, especially if you are very inured or in pain. 

As they say "Its like riding in an iron wheel wagon", it is so rough, bumpy and you are slipping and sliding, and everything back there is. But, I was fortunate to have great EMT's all 3 times that kept me calm on those rides.

So, as it went I did make it to the hospital in "mid-massive MI" BUT just in time for the medication to STOP most of the muscle damage to my heart. Knowing that, and knowing that I wanted to live badly enough, that I took the chance of driving on the Highway with blinkers on, and very slowly just in case I felt like I may pass out. Of course NOT a police officer in site when I really needed one. But.  made it, things were not nearly as bad as they had 1st expected.. and it must be that it was my time to STAY HERE... I still had "work to do here on Earth first"

Knowing that, and knowing he may have known something was wrong, I believe he did not want her to try and save him (his daughter). I feel he "knew" and was almost like going ahead to "leave Earth" because he just could not handle anything else. ad, sad, sad, for everyone, but especially his daughter that he had came in contact with like 30 years after not seeing her. 

So, I just pray she gets the help she needs to get herself back together and live on to know they had some time together.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

 Clinical trials researching potential new treatments for Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) need volunteers to take part. #sponsored #cureclick See if the trial is right for you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Chronic Eczema Clinical Trial here

 Chronic Eczema affects millions of Americans. Are you one of them? Research studies now enrolling. Payment varies by study up to $1,750.

Volunteer today! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

COVID-19, Upcoming 2020 Flu Upon Us, West Nile Virus & Adult Vaccines

As many of us know FLU season is almost upon us. Now we face a possible "new strain", PLUS as no other Flu season in History we are fighting the fight of our lives against (COVID-19) and the West Nil Virus has popped up also in some places as of the past 6 weeks or so. FLU??? GET VACCINATED!!! AS SOON AS YOU SEE THE SIGNS UP at your Pharmacies, Doctors offices, in the paper, and everywhere head over to get your vaccine! Of course with this being a "new "abnormal" for the flu make sure you ASK your doctor's office if you are okay to get the vaccine. Some like myself, get the "shot" that is NOT the "live" virus due to other chronic Illnesses. But, there are also those who can take the live vaccine, even though a nasal spray etc. Many of the "symptoms" of Flu and COVID-19 happen to be much the same. WE HAVE a medication to help lessen the flu symptoms, and get you protected from a much worse base, but you must start it quickly after being diagnosed with the flu. It will be one for the records when combing "several" illnesses at the same time. Also, those of you who are over 60 to 65 many can get a shingles vaccination, a pneumonia vaccination which protects against MANY different types of pneumonia, so be sure t ask your doctors and pharmacists about those. There are Hepatitis vaccines out also, and even especially for college kids that stay in Dorms, a Meningitis vaccine, since it can be extremely contagious especially in closed quarters like dorms. Here is a list of "recommended" vaccines by the CDC, showing who needs to get which ones and when, why etc. Some may be surprised at the types of vaccines available now for adults to STOP and prevent many what used to be very contagious illnesses.

 With the upcoming Flu Season upon us and having heard we may have a new strain(s); plus this is an all time difference with COVID-19 still very much active, and finding West Nile Virus in some places, I felt it was a great time to REMIND everyone the Vaccines available, who may need them & to see if you should speak to your doctors, pharmacists etc. about whether you should receive some of these vaccines...