Showing posts with label advocate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advocate. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I cannot EXPRESS and IMPRESS on ALL with Pain Issues (Chronic Pain) PLEASE make your COMMENTS & STORIES KNOWN TO THE CDC!

I know this is like, what can "we" do? Well WE can do a great deal! I have watched MANY of us whether via Email, or standing on Capitol Hill MAKE A DIFFERENCE! In ARTHRHTIS, IN PAIN ISSUES, IN HEART PROBLEMS, IN DIABETES, you name it, it takes US to speak up, and tell our government and everyone what and how we are effected DAILY with illnesses, that are chronic and often horribly painful!

I've been trying to "peck out" my 3rd book, which is my own Journey with Chronic Illnesses, and all painful, Lupus, RA, Migraines, Joint surgeries and replacements, crumbling spinal issues, I need TWO MORE surgeries one again in my neck and one in my lower lumbar spine.. My internal "pain pump" stalled about 3 months ago... or more... BUT DUE TO ABSCESSES CAUSED BY RA MEDICATION (ONE INJECTIBLE) AS FAR AS WE KNOW.. and spent over 3 months with cellulitis, that turned into abscesses on each middle top thigh... the 2nd on sent me to a wound care specialist, of which I have been tramping to Dallas once a week now for 4 weeks to get it well enough to HAVE SURGERY! I have "oral medications for pain" but THEY CANNOT TOUCH MY PAIN PUMP! There is not enough oral meds they can give me to help just even take the edge off of my pain... thus my book GETS LONGER, AND I am often unable to sit here just to type it out! And it is already about 500 pages plus long... so you can imagine...

BUT THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER! No matter whether you are a patient, caregiver, know someone with chronic pain, or just someone who cares about us getting the medications we need... please make sure you go to the link and post your comment...

Again here is the link and it is NOT difficult to do...!docketBrowser;rpp=25;po=0;dct=N%252BFR%252BPR%252BO;D=CDC-2015-0112


If you want to you can even write a letter and it will be taken also.... so if you need that information let me know and I will post the docket number, and the information you need to mail it in "snail mail"....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lots of thoughts and prayers needed now...

I can't really go into lots of details at the moment, but there are some really life changing things going on at this time for myself, and my family.

When you are chronically ill, and or in chronic pain... at the first you may never have the thought about HOW MUCH your life can change. Then as the doctors visits, medications, tests, surgeries, fatigue.... and so many things change, physically, emotionally, mentally... all aspects of what used to be "normal"... can be gone within a breath's space...

Then you have two people, one that has been "healthier" that could stand in for the other, when illness or flares hit... and all of a sudden that person is also either as ill as you, or even worse. So, that is when nothing is the same... you may think things will improve, we will find a "new normal".... and it just takes time, patience, tenacity... will power, respect, and love to finally find whatever can go on in the future. Yet, a "dam" appears... the river of life that you felt was so awesome, suddenly turns into a raging force, driving one in one direction, a fork you may say, and the other, suddenly winds up in the opposite direction.... and that is when "trying to piece back your life" can either be not really going to happen, might happen, or usually you finally KNOW, things must change... and change drastically, for both of your sakes...

As I said, I can't go into lots of details, and for now, I think those that do know me, and have an understanding of all of the drama, the illnesses, surgeries, doctors, and pain... from the physical, to the emotional, mental, and daily life - has all bundled up into a huge knot, and you just cannot manage to go on that way.

We are NEVER guaranteed anything but to "live" and then to "die".... in between things can be smooth, even, rocky, a landslide, and so often we are left wondering why the hell this happened? All of the questions, why am I being punished? Am I a "bad" person? Why can't I just have a break? Why can't something be "easy" for a change????

None of us know that answer. And throughout my entire life, most EVERYTHING has been a challenge. There are not many things for me, that have came "easy"... I worked, fought, crawled up the mountain, as the stones dug into my knees.... and slid back down again.... and I do know that only through FAITH and HOPE can I continue to one step at a time, moment by moment, then hour by hour, day by day.... week by week... and then months... years... and one day when I am no longer on this Earth... then all shall be revealed.

So, I WILL continue on with my 3rd book... and hope to finish it up on schedule by the end of the year. I WILL continue to be a voice, activist, advocate, and ambassador...
Lord willing, and my health continue to half way act right.... and hopefully the brain fog, pain and suffering may hopefully have something done about soon... either by surgery, by new medications... and so forth...

I shall give more information as the next days go along... so PLEASE continue to come and join in on my blog... and for those who have always been here to support, encourage, provide strength, faith, and prayers... I am so very grateful for all of you....

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday #HAWMC - WEGO Writers' Challenge! H. E. A. L.T. H. - April 27th 2015

Talk about a post to think about. So many "words" for so many illnesses, symptoms, medications and the like. So, I shall give this one a try today  - come up with an "acronym" to describe my activist journey.

"Hoping Extreme Activism Leans Towards Healing"







This was is not as easy as one might think. To really use only what "letters" given or a word for example, such as this without putting any other "in between" words such as "IN' An, The, and so forth takes some thought. So, since I do at times "feel" like I want to take my own "Activism" to the "Extremes" so one day, what I have accomplished does lean towards others "healing".....

Great one WEGO!!!!!!