Friday, January 15, 2010

Mother Natures Wrath- Greatly Shadows our own pain

As the pictures came rolling in one by one this morning of the Nation of Haiti, and all that no longer exists for one of the poorest nations in the world, it puts our own pain and suffering into perspective, as that horrific disaster continues to wipe our hundred’s of thousands of innocent lives. Mother Nature spares no one... from the youngest of infants to the eldest of elders, body upon body, sheets, plastic, or whatever they can find to cover the dead over, while the ones that have been released from the mortuary to their loved ones... and are laid to rest by their own families having to dig the graves. Many thousands will not be claimed, since it is very probable entire families are wiped completely out, thus mass graves, one today of 7,000 people was dug and they brought corpse after corpse laying them to rest together forever, not one living to be able to tell of the horror that was in their hearts during those devastating minutes when the Earth literally shook so hard beneath their feet, it knocked down 4 and more story buildings, obliterated the Embassies, schools, hospitals, houses, stores, sending every stone to lie upon the ground like an atomic bomb had hit the entire 1 million plus people, and the Capitol of Haiti. These people already know daily struggles and suffering. Many of them already living in cardboard boxes, in small shacks on the mountain sides, now not a one standing. Often many of those millions living off of less than 2.00 a day for an entire family. Now, the most valuable thing there is no longer monetary, but life saving water and food.

There are visions of children injured wandering around as they pass those not so fortunate laying covered up around their feet. The injured sitting in the street, some not able to walk, no one to help them, for those that walk by, cannot even help themselves. I cannot begin to explain in the depths of my heart, just how fortunate I feel. Even though we suffer from Chronic Illnesses, Pain, and so many hardships, nothing compares to what those Haitian survivors are dealing with. Homes and all wiped away. Many of their loved ones dead, or buried beneath the massive piles of rubble. No shelter from aftershocks that range sometimes over 5 on the Richter Scale. No clean water, no food and n0 fuel to go and be able to get supplies. As many countries including our own US go hurriedly to help, it will be lifetimes for some of those before they will ever see what seems like home. It is a day of sorrow, it is a day of bravery, it is a day of sacrifice, of humbleness, of mourning for those that lost their lives, and even more grief for those surviving knowing all too well without medical assistance, water and food, they may die also.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

10 Awesome Exciting Achievements in Lupus Research For Medications and More

This is an exciting situation for those of us suffering from Lupus (SLE) and other autoimmune diseases. There are several medications that are on the brink of being possibly approved this year 2010 for combating the horrible symptoms, and the damage that Lupus does. Positive results for slowing down, shortening, and possibly halting flares have been shown in clinical trials, along with little or no serious side effects. Plus there has been much advancement in finding the bio-markers that could be partially or all the cause of those of us who come down with Lupus and/or other related autoimmune illnesses.

I am so thrilled and cannot wait until I can possibly try one of these medications.

I hope all of you who are Lupus patients, family, friends and caretakers are as excited as I am...


Monday, January 11, 2010

My Grandson, Logan is hospitalized

My Grandson is ill with the RVS Virus. He had to be hospitalized today, due to complications with his asthma. He is only 7 months old. Please keep him, and my daughter, son-in law and her two other kid in your thoughts and prayers please.

I appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much. It is difficult for me to be this far away. They live about 30 out of Corpus, so they are ove 6 hours away from me. When I find out more, I will post and let you know...

Hugs to All, Rhia

Friday, January 1, 2010

Limbaugh ill - Palin makes me Ill

OMG! LOL! I guess I am not the only one in the boat! The first thing out of my mouth when I heard this on the news yesterday was "IS He dead?"!!!!I I know that is not the Christian thing to say, but it appears if we are going to hell wishing that upon this scum bag, bigot, hate mongering, soul sucking, demon possessed lying bag of monkey crap, that has spewed his vile, hatred around our country and the world, then I shall be in good company! I will not apologize for how I feel about his gruesome, cold hearted, yelling, ill willed, hateful, and full of bigotry statements he makes about our country, our President, and everyone that we should respect. I will not apologize for hating what he stands for... which is what most of us loath. I will also say it will be a cold day in hell before I ever listened to one of his radio shows. And of all people, if Rush decided to kick the freaking bucket, NOT PALIN!!! That would be the sin of all sins. That colored dyed red headed witch can keep her frozen broom stick up there in her igloo & remain there for eternity as far as I am concerned! She does not know how to speak proper English, so how the heck would anyone think she could do a radio show? I would rather hear an intelligent monkey, or even far better than that, my "talking" Chi-weenie, Bubs, can speak better than that old wind bag of what some call a hockey Mom. I would love to tell her where she could put that hockey puck and stick! I say we ship both of them to the South Pole in a rubber raft, with NO RADIO, no phone, and only enough food and water for a week! They can share an igloo down there with the penguins.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holidays and more....

Sitting here wondering where once again a year has gone. It feels like we were just celebrating last year's holiday season, and once again we are upon another one. I do have one gripe about stores. It seems every year they get earlier and earlier putting out Christmas decorations, so long before the holiday, that you are almost tired of looking at it by the time Christmas is here. This year seems to have been the worst. They had Halloween stuff out weeks and weeks before October it seems. Then the day or two before Halloween, they had shelves and shelves of Christmas decorations and it is just like they skipped Thanksgiving, and here Christmas stuff is out 2 and a half months before it should be. I know due to the economy the retail business is probably trying to help shoppers and themselves by making the "buying" season longer. Since Wal Mart did away with layaway, along with K-Mart and Target that makes it more difficult because people can no longer get things early, put them in layaway and pay them out. Now with many over the max on their credit cards, most of us surely do not need another mound of credit card debt after the holidays. What also gripes me is as horrible as credit is now for many people, we tend to still get credit card offers in the mail. Many of them are also full of very expensive fees, that are so far hidden in the fine print, no one can find them. Then when a bill arrives and is 40 dollars or more higher than what it should be, you can see you have been scammed with either fees, or higher interest rates. I am going through my own mind getting ready to write my annual Christmas Letter to family and friends. It has been not a really great year for many reasons, most of it for us health reason, between Jim and myself. We can hope 2010 brings us comfort, answers, and hopefully peace, for us and the world.