Friday, January 29, 2021


Friday, January 22, 2021

As I turn to a New Chapter in my own health issues I am going to make my subject on my Blog and Social Media about the same...

 I AM going to change subjects on Social Media, Facebook & my Newspaper Online Line Daily... all of the things will still be there BUT I am going over more to "CHRONIC PAIN" & just how Horribly it Can effect the Body...

I was victim to that twice my doctor's said with the Heart Attacks at 40 and 50... "Broken Heart", & Chronic Pain.. I feel I am till here for a purpose... I feel that purpose has risen & I should grab Hold & take the subject...

Hearts know what Hearts wsnt

WEGO HEALTH - Following Fridays And I was Thrilled to Be Sponsored! Thank you WEGO Health for Acknowledging Us Patient Leaders!

I am so proud to be a part of WEGO Health! Health _Patient Leader Recognition

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Our Nation Out of Control, So much for a Hope filled and Happy 2021! It's almost a night terror

 It is to the point of being unbearable, and just not even fathomable to believe what is happening in this nation....


As I Said below "SO MUCH FOR A HAPPY, HOPEFUL & BRIGHT 2021!😔 and if I said what I "think" I would probably have my home burned & be shot! Sorry folks I cannot fathom some of the things I've seen posted in places.... insanity, and now again rather than the focus on "COVUD-19" and the new strain that is already in TX, and all of those who have lost their lives or loved ones & now after that many people so elbow to elbow fighting, bleeding, breathing on one another... what about even worse than the pandemic than we already have! We don't have enough hospitals, beds, nurses, doctors, medications already and it just grows worse by the moment. What about all of us who are trying to "fight to keep well"? We are doing everything we can to avoid getting sick ourselves or making others sick??? We masks use curbside maintain distances, try and stay home, order online, sanitize, & I don't know about others but although I need a couple of things from the market today before the bad weather hits tomorrow, I FEAR going into any store..I am sure many will be in the stores not following guidelines and I am someone who really "should" have a vaccine... due to Lupus, RA. Heart conditions after 2 heart attacks, pseudo-gout plus the medications that cause me to be prone to getting sick & facing possible back surgery, but I have to wait, although even at a surgery center I still fear the virus, I have not started my new RA medication yet and should have 2 months ago, but feared changing it in the midst of all of this might cause me issues.. even my Rheumatologist does not know I have not changed. I am supposed to go to see him next Friday, but under what has happened I am going to ask for another virtual visit. even though he is in one of the doctor's buildings, they still are probably the largest medical facility with many hospitals... then I have to go to Dallas to have my pain pump refilled by the 18th. that one I can't miss, it has to be filled and the doctor has to do it. Then I was already hurting badly enough, and i guess due to this weather change coming, I could barely walk when I got up... I probably am in a Lupus/RA flare... BUT so many do not consider their consequinces of actions to what they can do to others, their families, friends & those out trying to help us daily. It is just almost unbearable and like some night terror in this country.

I am just completely frustrated with LIFE! People (it seems MANY have gone NUTS) I could not believe my eyes last night on the television! I completely turned off the news and watched other things... most channels were showing that horrid, terrible, insane scene in D.C.! To think I WALKED THRU THOSE VERY HALLWAYS in 2014!!!! When I went as an Ambassador with the Arthritis Foundation... and knowing how HUGE ND HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO GET AROUND IN THERE - HOW THE HECK THAT MANY PEOPLE COULD BREAK INTO CONGRESS IS BEYOND ME!!!! I HAVE ONE QUESTION??? IF "HOMELAND SECURITY" COULD NOT "NOW THIS AHEAD OF TIME" AND KEEP IT ROM HAPPENING HOW CAN WE FEEL SAFE FROM "OTHER TERRORISTS?" WE surely have ENOUGH "home grown ones right here!"

Monday, November 30, 2020

All of the ANGELS AMONG US...

 We have so many angels that walk among us! I am so grateful for their love, hope, caring and giving of themselves freely...

I pray we remember to be Giving thanks for All they do each day to try and keep us healthy each day...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving - "Stay At Home" - go to see others, or already ill? things are so very up in the air & confusing!


COVID-19 and FEAR are Running Rampant this Holiday Season and Year! Everyone is physically Mentally and Emotionally "Unwound" and Exhausted.

I really don't have to write, email, say or post one word! It is everywhere, illness, worry, concern, people without jobs, trying to feed families, fear of becoming ill, or already are o have family or friends ill.

So, rather than "post" a very long, drawn out post this morning about all of those things, and I missed, the election, congress, and that mess!

I am going to try and put it simply.  I PRAY for OUR NATION, and our World to come together, for as now MORE THAN EVER EVERYONE NEEDS EVERYONE! I Hope everyone tries to remain as hopeful as possible. I hope each of us give thought to rather going out, staying home, cooking, not cooking, that the choices we make are those that are right our ourselves and family.

My heart bleeds for those who are severely ILL due to COVID-19 OR some other illness, & I pry they get to be well, and well on their way home to living life again.

I hope and pray that all of us try to keep one another from harm's way. Rather than fight, fuss, and do things that sometimes just exacerbate fear, anger and hatred. We show this country and the world WE are more than being bitter and angry. We are kind hearted, sincere, all for getting us back to the goodness we can be in.

So whether HOME, with RELATIVES, FRIENDS, having to work or whatever is thrown our way for the holidays, joy somewhere and a few laughs enter the scene!

With Love, Hope, Kindness and Sincerity, Pam