Monday, January 25, 2010

Our Nation Shall never be the same...

I don't know how many of you understand the full blow to America that the Supreme Court has dealt us after their decision to allow corporations to be considered "people", but I hope you are mad as hell. If not yet, once you see the video attached, I hope you are just as torn to pieces inside and out as many of us are. Here we have fought tooth and nail, for decades to make sure democracy stands. We have fought to make sure our amendments written by our own forefathers so many years ago stand as our own way to voice how the people. by the people and for the people stand. Whether it be who we choose to elect into government, what church we attend, what college we attend, what we choose as our own profession for work, all of those decisions have been upheld because up until now the upholding of the constitution giving us the rights has been intact...but no more.. all that our forefathers fought for, all of the blood shed that gave us, and generations to come has just been trampled into the dirt, rolled up into a ball, and thrown into a fiery furnace called corporate America. They will rule who is our President, they will rule who is in our Senate, their dollars pumped into ads for who they choose to be in the Senate, House and even the Presidential office, shall be taken by them, and our votes will mean basically nothing.... how can any one sitting as a Supreme Court Justice see that giving corporations rights as a person is a good thing for our country? Talk about senile?? I have to wonder if Alzheimer's has set into our Supreme Court and delusions are coming from our Justices, yet no one has noticed that have lost their minds... Be scared.... be very scared.... this is going to mean our rights, will be the rights of corporations yet they are the ones with the money to back up whom they choose... the shall buy Senators and have them in their own hip pockets, like puppets on a string... dancing to the beat of what greed has already done to this nation.... the poor get more poor and the rich get richer and greedier!

I hope this video makes you mad.... really mad.... mad enough to open your mouths, voice your opinions and say hell no, we will not stand for itl...

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