Friday, February 5, 2016

So Much Going On and Not Feeling Like Dealing or Coping - Life with Invisible Illnesses, Communication with Family, Friends, & Daily Living

I realize i have not posted in a couple of days. I feel badly about that. I know without new material, new posts, new information, that my audience gets "bored" with my blog.. mmm, new name 'Bored With My Blog?" Just a pun there, a spin on words.

Portions of me have been in a strange state of mind. I have many decisions to make for the upcoming couple of months, and since I am not feeling the best, albeit many do not know that, I've found myself wandering both physically and mentally around like a lost soul in a vast desert, seeing nothing but sand in each direction... the grains gritty, my thirst parched, and longing for a "drink" of sanity that will point me in the direction of an oasis of decisions.

I am having to deal with deciding when to have my cervical neck surgery. I opted for right after my birthday which is the 15th! Yes, almost a Valentine's Baby, so guess who gets flowers, cute stuffed animals, candy and the like a day "after" Valentines Day? In a way, it is nice, because I usually get more simply because much of it is marked down by 50%!

So, after two calls over a weeks time to my orthopedic surgeons assistant, she finally calls me yesterday. My surgery is tentatively set for Feb 18th. So, it may or may not be on that exact day, depending on what they get set up.

Things have been so crazy here, between my Mom's health issues, and running her back and forth to the doctors, plus my own problems that for months and months I dealt with just to get 'well enough" to have surgery. Thank goodness, I believe the abscesses have healed finally. And my pain pump surgery is over, and my new one is in place.

But, the invisibility of these illnesses, does NOT mean we can just say "okay, i just don't feel good, I am not going to the market, paying bills, taking the pups to the Vet, cleaning house, washing the car, taking out the trash, cooking, cleaning... not when it is just YOU, and your two fur-kids! And "they" are surely NOT going to run to the market, or run errands and clean house! :) Although at times I sure wished they could.

So, I trudge on, day comes, things need to be done, and then evening comes, I fix dinner, have to clean up afterwards, and then on the sofa for a movie, and here lately I seem to be ready to sleep much earlier than usual. Last night all three of us, myself, Bub's and the newest addition "Peanut"... well less the nuts, since he was just neutered! LOL! Yes, maybe a bad pun, but I still thought it was too funny not to say... "Sometimes Peanut acts and feels like a nut, sometimes he don't, Peanut, used to have his nuts, now he don't" - Okay the story behind that is with each pup over the past 15 years or so, that I get, I find some new little "tune" that becomes their song... and I sing it to them every once in a while... and bless their hearts, Tazzy, even though she has passed away, and I miss her so much, Bub's that is getting up older now and having his own issues with hip problems, and arthritis, and of course the new "Holy Terrier" Peanut, now each have their songs....

These past two days have been very difficult for me, in every way. I have not felt well, nothing I can put a finger on, just overwhelmed with fatigue, no energy, pain always pain, and just a general feeling that I have of not feeling like myself... even in a mental way.... foggy, and not wanting to deal with daily life.

I felt I would just pop down on the sofa yesterday and not do anything, yet it was trash day, of course I had to feed the dogs, water them, change their paper, straighten up the house, and I was COLD all day long. I rarely have those days, but I could NOT get warm... no matter how I tried, or what I did, I was COLD! And it was cold ALL Day Long! No Matter what I did I could not warm up. Finally, about 4PM, I took a hot shower, and after that I kept pretty warm... today it is a cold morning, but hopefully the sun is out and it will warm up. Our issues here are the wind makes it colder also these past few days.

Again, though this morning, I wake up, not honestly wanting to do anything. I am still just worn out like I have ran a marathon that was 20 miles or more... and my body is trying to recuperate. Yet, if I were to get dressed and go to town to some of our store's, NO ONE would know the difference. They would not "tell" that I am totally wiped out, and unless my brain fog causes me to do something silly in the store, the "invisible" part of Lupus, RA, Chronic Pain, and so much more, are difficult to explain. I feel guilty if I am NOT up and doing things. But, I feel lousy when I have to make myself get up and do things...

I think people tend to see me as lazy, or lack of want to, or whatever. And I do that to myself also. I want to think that I am just being lazy, if I sit down and not move forward with all I need to move forward with.

There is lots going on with my Mom, that has been quite concerned. I had seen the signs of Dementia or worse, Alzheimer's in her now for over 2 years... little by little, but now with these new symptoms, and worsening signs, of forgetfulness, loss of time, loss of what day it is, shuffling her feet, rather than picking them up and walking, loss of much weight, and having issues even getting her to eat, and being just overly concerned about her "bodily functions".... and talking about those day after day... forgetting checks in bills, not understanding no matter how plainly I have it typed out, how to take her medications, she cannot "get it"... losing her credit card earlier this week, she just has so many numbers of things that point to some of one of these illnesses... there is lots more, leaving a pot on the stove until it burned.... Those things are also wearing me down. I need to make a decision on where to go and take her for testing, and how to go about handling that, along with my own issues of needing surgery, that is very important to my own well being.

There are some person issues I am dealing with also. I have a friend that wants to do a "video chat" possibly once a week. Which is a cool idea, and we would make it, send it to the other, like that. Yet, for me, I never know when I will be "dressed" enough to make a chat, and what I will have to say... there maybe lots to say, like sometimes when I email, and then there maybe times, that things are just the same old thing... I guess I will have to pick a day, I go to run errands, that is when I am usually dressed and have my makeup on etc... and make a list of the things I want to say... like I said it's a great idea, and I want to do it, but for me, it maybe something that takes me a bit more "getting ready for" than for some.

I have felt that these "invisible illnesses" as of lately, have caused ME to be "invisible". I feel as if others to do SEE ME, or HEAR ME... that I am "not be heard as to what I am trying to get over to them. This is meaning friends, doctors, family, everyone. I sometimes feel as if I need to go on top of my roof and shout dammit LISTEN! What I have to say is important!

I realize whether ill or not ill, those moment arise, and give us this innate feeling that no one really values our opinions, our feelings, and what WE think in the world...

Stress, too busy being busy, too many hours of running here, there and yonder... attempting to be ALL to ALL... and it is impossible for anyone just about, but especially those who are chronically ill.

I TRULY FEEL that if I DO NOT MAKE MYSELF get UP each morning, MAKE MYSELF feed the dogs, water them, fix me some hot tea, or fat free hot chocolate, take out the trash, and do my "daily things" then I would NOT get up at all.... I have to "force" myself at times to cook something more nutricious rather than eating whatever is the quickest. It may mean making it ahead earlier in the day, so I do not have to try and make it later, when I am getting too tired in the evening to do much cooking. And I believe since many of us, like myself take so MANY daily medications, it changes our tastes in foods, our appetites, and things I used to LOVE to eat, I no longer can even stand the thought of.

I also know for a fact, once the Sjogren's took all of my teeth from me, and I had to deal with a full set of dentures, THEY have definitely had a dramatic effect on the taste of food. I either can't taste it, or it tastes totally different than before, an even though I may not put them in, and try to eat dinner, the food just does not have the same flavor as it did, before that horrid illness took every tooth in my mouth away.

So, not only the illnesses, but change your taste, along with the medications... all of it combined, can have a definite change on your entire system...

I laugh at myself because I also want strange things, like cravings...something salty is one of them... also I may "think" I want something so badly, yet once I get it, or fix it, I just cannot fathom eating it at that moment! Now the next day, it may totally change, but once I have cooked it, often I really prefer not to eat it.

I find myself lately not wanting to communicate with anyone.. I don't feel like saying much on the phone, in person, online, in emails... and I'm not sure why. Maybe it is due to I feel as if I am telling the same old stuff over and over again. Or that I think I am whining and griping if someone asks me how I am doing, or feeling,

I know I am READY FOR WARMER WEATHER, even though I know we need some COLD weather to drive away fleas, fire ants, and other pests... that will be driving us all nuts if we don't have enough cold to get rid of them... I have already put out one round of granules for all of those pests. I know with this strange weather, we could see flea's , fire ants will run rampant, along with all of the other large number of pests we deal with in TX every spring and summer.

Those are other things that no matter how lousy you feel, especially if you don't have anyone else to help out. I even completely overhauled my lawn mower last year. Yet, I don't have the strength in my arms to pull the rope hard enough to start it... hopefully my neighbor will help. He used to be really good about mowing my lawn... but he began to act odd last summer, in fact him and his entire family kind of shunned me for some reason, so I HOPE he still intends on helping with the lawn, or at the least doing the mowing.       

So, as the story of my life goes, in the middle of this, I have to go over to Mom's. Her hone had been "busy" since yesterday evening, and I thought she had probably left it on as she does sometimes... well this morning by 10AM it was still not working, so I had to dress and go over. To find out, it is NOT working, and she did not even know it. So, I had called her Wednesday evening, and Lord knows when it stopped. I tried everything, and none of the stuff in the house appeared to be an issue. I looked out in the box on the house, and I think they have a wire they never replaced, and it appeared to be possibly frayed or causing the problem. So, I had to call the phone company, put in a work order, and be told they cannot do anything until MONDAY... so now she is without a phone, and as I told her, if she had something come up, take my numbers to her neighbors, she has several or call 911 if it is an emergency... and that I would check on her over the weekend... then she tells me that she fell in the front yard this week on the way back from the mailbox... she again is NOT taking her medications correctly, and I am sure that is part of the problem... so she said she needed a "walker"... the cane was not working well... partially because she does not use it enough, and does not take it where she needs it, and said that is why she is not going to church... so I go, buy a walker, take a bunch of magazines, a piece of cake, some newspapers for her, plus an updated medication list... and I ring the doorbell twice, and knock and she does not answer... so again, probably in bed... where she stays too much lately... so I LEAVE A NOTE, IN THE MAILBOX, AND UNDER THE FRONT STORM DOOR, and tell her stuff is on the back porch including her mail... of course I cannot call, due to the phone issue, but I will go over again tomorrow... I am not going back again tonight, I have once again spent most of my day on her stuff... which is fine, but it leaves me NOT finishing my post, and I am tired now after running around all day....

So, I close this with... INVISIBLE ILLNESSES SUCK... and THEY MAKE YOU TIRED, AND PISSED OFF, AND RUIN YOUR PLANS... and on and on.... and no matter how much you fight them, and life, they tend to get the best of most of us.....


Friday, January 29, 2016

#TheRealRD Rheumatoid Arthritis Rare Remission - Daily Pain and Suffering

#TheRealRD #7 - Remission is Rare and Daily Suffering Is NOT!

As I read over the 7 ideas that the #TheRealRD asked for bloggers to blog about for RA Awareness Day, which is on February 2nd, and also happens to be Groundhog Day, and was my Dads Birthday, yet he passed away 10 years ago.

Ive come to know and understand the true chances of myself, and thousands of others out there like me, who suffer from this Autoimmune Illness, have MUCH pain, sometimes daily, and we KNOW all too often no amount of medications our Rheumatologists give us, the pain, the stiffness, the swelling, the lack of use of that particular part of your body like your hands and wrists become a severe problem. Take someone like myself that is a published author, and avid blogger, trying to set at the computer daily, for often hours at a time, if you intend on keeping a blog up to date, and writing a 3rd book, I must be at the computer.

Yet, daily pain keeps me from making my goals, that I had set even two years ago. So, when I saw this opportunity to write a blog post in honor of February 2nd, RA Awareness Day, by the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RFP), I am thrilled for the opportunity.

Honestly, and I am sure many of us could write about all seven of the topics. I have been through so many different medications and combinations, that either did not work, or caused severe other health problems, mainly all types of infections. I feel we do NOT have nearly enough research funds to get to the root of this hideous life altering disease. I also know so MANY others may not know that RA can effect all different types of organs in the body, from the heart, causing the heart attack number to DOUBLE for those with RA. It effects the joints, and usually many joints. Feet, toes, fingers, wrists, thumbs, the spine, the liver, lungs... It is a systemic disease, of which can harm any and/or various other vital organs of the body.

The daily pain is what many do not often understand though. Those who do not know the treatments, may not realize just because we are on medications, that does not mean, that all that often the pain subsides. I spoke with a member of my Rheumatologist staff two weeks ago, and when I explained to her the amount of pain I live with was high on the 1 to 10 score, she looked at me and said that is NOT Acceptable! No one should live most of their daily lives in that much pain!

After speaking with her it dawned on me that I DO accept an unacceptable amount of pain most days of my life. I have gotten to the place I think this is just how it is, I WILL have to just LEARN to ACCEPT that on a scale from 1 to 10, pain at an average of 4 will have to do, which is so WRONG! A level daily of 4 for most people not used to chronic pain would be excruciating! And it is not right for me to have to deal with ongoing pain of that magnitude day in and day out, yet what do I, or WE do about it?

I have a great Pain Management Doctor, who has implanted my pain pump, and will up the dosage as I need it, plus he gives me oral medication for breakthrough pain. Yet, I feel that is part of the problem. I have TOO MUCH breakthrough pain, on almost a daily basis.

MANY of US as Chronic Pain Patients, whether from RA, Lupus, other bone and joint problems, spine and back issues, severe nerve pain in different regions of the body, for many reasons, from diabetic nerve pain, to nerve pain and other types of chronic pain, that even our doctors do not know WHY it is there or sometimes even HOW to treat it properly - we are told that WE MUST LEARN TO COPE with a CERTAIN AMOUNT OF PAIN! It is not that I do not agree with that, I do. NO MEDICATION will take away ALL of the pain. YET, with the proper treatments, diagnosis, sometimes surgeries, some combination of medications, certain types of exercise, some diet changes, and some natural types of therapy pain can be diminished much better. IT IS FINDING that right combination of all of those or part of those things that can give us that type of relief, BUT it make take weeks, months, even years to get that all adjusted and working. There is NO ONE treatment, or magic pill, to just take and chronic pain subside for good.

All too often I feel that RA is a very misunderstood disease. Even though we have LOADS of information about medications, ads on the television, and in magazines, I feel that as a society those that are not patients, caretakers, or close to someone with this horrid disease do not fully understand what it can do. It as not as simple as taking an NSAID over the counter, or even taking one medication that is a prescription. At times, some of us DO fine the correct medication, or combination of medications and find relief. Yet, those that do, are far and few between.

I have been through an entire gamut of all types of medications for RA and Lupus. In fact, I just saw my NP from my Rheumatologists office 2 weeks ago. As we spoke about my pain, the daily swelling, stiffness, I am losing more of my grip in both hands, the weakness, losing the ability to do everyday things, buttoning a shirt, or even zipping a zipper... I have watched my body especially my hands, wrists, fingers, thumbs are very bad, feet, ankles and now my spine begin to degenerate even more than ever before due to RA.  She made a remark that upset me when she said, that I had tried all kinds of medications and none of them seem to work. What upset me about it so much, it was like she was blaming ME for medications not working! Some of them caused too high of infections in me. I had double pneumonia at least twice, then had cellulitis in both thighs, that then turned into double abscesses, that took 4 or 5  MONTHS to get well. I had to make a weekly trip 35 miles ONE WAY for weeks and weeks to a Wound Care Specialist in order to HEAL those abscesses! It delayed me in having a cervical neck surgery I needed badly, as well as my internal pain pump had a permanent motor stall, and I needed surgery to replace it! But not one surgeon would touch me until those abscesses were basically well, and I was free of infection.

So I spent months without most of my RA medications, plus a couple of months without my pain pump working, and suffered endless weeks of having to have wounds the size of a silver dollar and as deep as half my thumb getting debrided until they finally got well. Our pain is NOT just as simple as from a joint. It is not as simple as taking one pill. There are so many medications, yet like myself, daily, I am in pain. Especially for the 1st few hours of the morning. As joints start to be effected MORE by this disease, then the pain can become almost unbearable, and at times, even in my lumbar spine, I have enough degeneration from this hideous illness, that it hurts so badly, I cannot even sit to type, to write, or often not be able to have the quality of life I so want to have.

Honestly, I cannot recall unless maybe a very rare occurrence that I have read or heard one person tell me, I am in remission, and I have finally no pain from Rheumatoid Arthritis. I do not believe the cases are out there, and if they are, very, very rarely do they happen.

When I saw the article about raising awareness on February 2nd by the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation, and that I could participate, and tell my feelings on 1 of 7 subjects, I wanted to tell my feelings, and story, because awareness is something we so desperately need so much more of.


You too can learn so much more at ...

Blog Post for Feb 2nd For Rheumatoid Arthritis Day!

The Rheumatoid Patient Foundation

has given us bloggers, or those who would like to post 7 topics to pick from to post about for National Rheumatoid Arthritis Day! I had picked the 7th one and am working on my blog post now. But I wanted share to these with you and the article in case you would like post post or blog about it!

 This began in 2013, and done so well, they decided to make it an annual event! I am proud and honored to put a blog post in. Of course for me many of these subjects ring like a bell in the night over things I, myself have been through and I am sure so they do for you. Be sure to include the hashtag ---

#TheRealRD in your posts!

Those are many great topics to blog about ad gives e an idea about where some of my blogging may go this year when it comes to RA!


To find out more details about how you can either submit a blog post or even send your thoughts in, see their website at---

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hallucination, Premontion, Trying to Help My Mom Understand an ODD Happening... sometimes we just do not totally understand odd things....

Okay, I have a very odd situation going on with my Mom. I called her yesterday evening about 7PM or so, and she was crying. It scared me to death, thinking something was really very wrong, and then I was upset she had not called me. So, she starts out telling me that my (sister in law) Madeline, who has not spoken to any of us since my Dads funeral in 2005. My step brother Larry, and her were at the funeral home I guess they day they were picking out the casket, and so forth. I had not made it in yet from Seattle, so I was not there to know what happened exactly. 

But, from what Mom said, Madeline (who honestly always acted like we were trash, and not good enough since we did not live in a huge fine fancy home and so forth) is was born and raised in England, and had a little girl Karen who was just about 3 years younger than me. 

Anyway, I could make that a long story, but anyway, something came up at the funeral that Larry asked my Mom about some (insurance policy) that I guess my Dad had many, many years back, and he had probably used it for his burial, so it was no longer there. But Madeline must have stuck her nose in the middle of it, and began asking I guess about that policy, the money on it, and felt it (belonged) I guess to Larry and her! Well, Mom was already in a state of shock, as to how my Dad died so suddenly from a knee replacement that went very wrong... and to this day we are not really sure exactly what happened to cause him to die... but after whatever words transpired, Larry and her would NOT speak to ANY OF US! 

Not Mom, not my two kids who were there, and NOT ME! And I had nothing to do with this, and did not even know it had happened.. so I was totally in the dark as to why they ignored me at Dads funeral, and then at the meal afterwards... and finally I was told that there had been words at the funeral home, before I even arrived.... well, I only know what I have been told... BUT they have not TALKED TO ANY OF US, NOT CALLED, NOT CAME BY TO CHECK ON MOM... AND she helped to raise Larry, as a teenager, and then he stayed at the house even after I was born, and he was there until I was about 4, then he enlisted into the Air Force... he was stationed in England a couple of different times, thus that is where he met his wife Madeline, and finally adopted Karen the daughter... Okay so there is the background a bit... so night before last, Mom said she was in bed, but just got in the bed and was fully awake, and she heard footsteps coming down the hall. Madeline always wore high heels, no matter what, and always was dressed to the (Nines) when they visited, which she rarely would come... anyway, Mom said she sat up, and Madeline was standing at the bedroom doorway, dressed in black, and she is already tall, and in heels she was very tall... and that she began to ask my Mom (Henri (Moms full name is Henrietta, can I come and stay with you?) 

Mom said her voice sounded extremely distraught, and that Mom even tried to speak to her... now at the time I thought Madeline REALLY came there, from how Mom put this to me... so I even asked, how did she get in the house, did you leave a door unlocked, because with screens and doors locked, no way anyone could get in... and then Mom began to tell me, she never said anything, else, and after about 10 minutes, suddenly vanished.... om put this to me... so I even asked, how did she get in the house, did you leave a door unlocked, because with screens and doors locked, no way anyone could get in... and then Mom began to tell me, she never said anything, else, and after about 10 minutes, suddenly vanished.... Now my Mom, along with myself, and both of my kids, have always had this (6th sense) or whatever you want to call it, about knowing when something is wrong, or having a feeling, or I have vivid dreams... in fact I have very bad night terrors, they are better now, but had been very very upsetting... anyway, Mom did not really recall the whole thing until yesterday evening, and then she began thinking about what had happened and was extremely upset that something (bad) had happened, or was going to... 

I finally figured out this was some type of hallucination, or some kind of dream state, but Mom insisted she was wide awake... but it truly upset her, yet she did not call me... and she said i am not even sure why I did not call you... I was so worried.... Anyway, I tried not to make more of this with Mom, not wanting to make her more upset over it, especially late in the evening... so I have been trying to do some research today, to find out about hallucinations, something this vivid, because of course I had been concerned Mom has signs of Dementia or Alzheimers, in which I know for a fact in some cases they have delusions, or Hallucinations, and so forth... but I also have tried to find my step brothers phone number, email or something, so maybe I need to call them... what I did tell Mom is often whatever it appeared to be about, may not be something bad... as I told her, since it was at Dads Funeral 10 years ago, almost 11, that maybe why she was dressed in black, and possibly they are talking about trying to reconcile the situation, knowing they acted stupid, and should have never (cut) any of us out of their lives... so maybe it was a message of almost apology... or that it could mean anything or nothing... it just happened and that is that... 

BUT, I know Mom is still concerned, so I am not sure just how to handle this... she was much better after talking to me about it last night... so I know just telling it helped her to better understand, that it can happen and not mean a thing... yet these things can means physical issues... when I ran such a high fever last time with double pneumonia, I was Hallucinating in the broad daylight, walking around my home talking and hearing voices, that were not here, thus I finally thought to take my temperature, and it was 103... thus was causing me to have hallucinations... she has not been well, she is in pain still some with her back, she is already upset over lots of things, her nutritional level is not good and she is lacking in several vitamins, after all of the weight loss.... so even just the stress of all of that could have something to do with it.... anyway, any of you have any ideas, or suggestions? I would appreciate another point of view... LOL, I will say it kind of (freaked) me out and then I felt odd last night before I finally went to sleep....

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Losing So Many Lately To This Hideous Disease of Lupus!

Since the 1st of January, we (Facebook friends with Lupus) have lost at least 7 or 8... or more of our Butterfly Friends to Lupus!

I just got word today of another really awesome friend, John who once again lost his battle at much too young of an age to this hideous disease.

Over the past two weeks or so, he is like the 7th person, many of then very young who lost the battle to this disease that continues to ruin our lives, take our quality of life and destroy it, and then take our life way before we should ever go from this world,

It leaves us here with an empty and frightening feeling... one day you are okay, the next extremely ill, and the next have passed away.... leaving friends and family wondering when a reason and a CURE WILL BE FOUND!

It is insane to watch so many passing away of this and other autoimmune diseases, but Lupus seems to be one of the top killers, in this realms of illnesses,

My heart and prayers go out to all of the family, friends, and Facebook friends, in which we bond with... the we also feel the loss of yet another friend..

So May John family know he is in a better place, free of illness, pain and suffering, along with Ashley, Aubrey and several others that have been on Facebook since January 1st.



May all of them rest in peace... and May all of the family and friends find peace and comfort knowing their loved ones are no longer suffering....

Boron Borax Therpay for Arthritis, Osteo,RA, Osteoporosis, Joint Pain, Inflammation - A Natural Supplement we often Lack - been known since the 60s

I happened upon an article about Boron or Borax therapy, that proves to be extremely interesting. I know that Borax that I buy in the box and put in my laundry is an all natural type of supplement, and I had heard about studies on it back in the 60s and the health benefits it has on us.

We NEED an amount of Boron in our systems, to help keep us from having JOINT PROBLEMS, arthritis, stiffness, swelling, osteoporosis, even helping to keep you from having kidney stones, and so much more. I had forgotten about it until I read another article this morning, and I am doing some research on it, but I think I will take some Borax (i just used the rest of my box in with Arm and Hammer Washing Soda and mixed them, so I will have to buy another box, but basically it is the very same as going and buying Boron Tablets. 

You can mix like an 1/8 of a teaspoon in a liter of water, and drink it. There are several ways people do it, drinking it during the week, and then not on the weekends, or drinking it one week, and not the next, and alternating. BUT after reading several articles on this, I think I will buy a new box and give it a try. I looked up the pills, but that means another expensive and it is all the same. 

One in a box for laundry and cleaning and the other in a pill form, of the same thing. I think it is well worth the try when you read about the outcome from many people... and of course our doctors, and pharmaceutical companies do NOT want this information to become viral, because if what I am reading it true, it would put some out of a job, and do away with some of the horribly expensive medications we are given.... I am still reading on this but here are a few links....…/the-inexpensive-arthritis-osteoporo…/


And you can do a search and find all type of articles about it...

I am very impressed as to what I have read, and as I said above, I had heard about this several years back, and seen a new article about it, so I decided to do a bit of research on the subject.

I have to go to the market and get a new box, since I just emptied mine and mixed it with Washing Soda, I mix both of them and put it in my laundry, and use it around the house as a natural cleaner, with no toxic chemicals in it... 

Of course before you try it, I would make sure it does not interfere with any of your others medications, and you may want to ask your physician. Although for myself, since it is a substance in our bodies, that we probably lack due to all of the other junk and chemicals we put in it daily, I see it like a green tea pill, or other types of supplements. I already take B-12 in pills and monthly injections.

But, as I said I am NOT a doctor, so make sure you do what you need to do before trying this, or anything....

Awesome Article from the National Pain Report ON Treating The Patient Not the Label

 Terrific Article on National Pain Management - ON Treating The Patient - Not The Label

By Terri Lewis, PhD
Terri Lewis, PhD is a frequent contributor to the National Pain Report. She is a daughter and a mother who has witnessed chronic pain first hand. She currently serves as an Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling and International Programs Consultant at National Changhua University of Education in Taiwan. She originally published this column on Linkedin on January 17.

Follow on Twitter - for National Pain Report