Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I MUST Tell OFF On Myself! Talk About Some SERIOUS BRAIN FOG!! (Comical for sure)

RA, Lupus and Brain Fog!

Even though I am not thrilled at telling off on myself, I have to tell this one. The MAIN reason is because every single one of you, if you have any of the Autoimmune Illnesses have had DAYS, or maybe more that SERIOUSLY you wonder if you are losing your mind.
Well, yesterday was one for me. I began with my mind seeming quite foggy early yesterday morning. Just reading a few news articles, and feeling like I was not quite "getting the message", to my typing being just OFF in all respects. I was having issues like not remembering how to spell a simple word, and as I said.. I must tell this one, ladies will appreciate this…

Of course I was headed to the doctor at 11:00 yesterday morning.  Well, I went to lay out what I was to wear, brushed my teeth, and decided this time to "dress first" then do my makeup (like many of you probably I for the most part put my makeup on first in my robe, then put my clothes on). I was dressing and I thought something did not "feel" quite right, but I could not really tell what was wrong exactly, other than the "tights" or whatever you want to call them, have a seam that needs to be inside the leg portion comes all the way up like that, then goes down the other leg in the same place. With these tights, it's like putting on hose, you have to put them on correctly or they just feel off.

Anyway, I went onto the doctors office. I was a bit early, so I went in and decided to use the restroom before I went in. So, there was a man standing in the lobby, and I thought when I had first walked in and looked at the women's door, I saw is closing. So, I thought someone was in there. Well, I waited and waited; not wanting to be rude, I did not want to turn the knob, or knock on the door until I waited a bit longer. Well, he seen I must have been waiting, so he pointed to the door, and told me that no one was in there. I was sort of baffled, because I would swear when I came in that door was closing as if someone had went in. Anyway, I still decided to wait until minute, and along comes another woman, appearing that she was probably pregnant, and she was needing to use the restroom also. She asked me and I said I believe someone is in there, but I did finally walk over, turn the handle, and low and behold….a huge "DUH" for me, hell it was empty!!!! Talk about embarrassed! The man had already stood there and told me it was empty, yet brain fog ON, I did not even check!

I was then of course felling like an idiot, and wished I would have checked as I usually do, when I first walk into the front door. But, I would have sworn that door was just closing as I came in. Thus I felt someone was in there. So, I go in,  I am trying to get those tights down, just as you would hose, where they "line up" when you pull them up. Well, I look down and there low and behold is the tag on my underwear! I looked again, and talk about feeling like I had lost my mind, my  underwear were on backwards!!!! LMAO!!! Well, I was now in the midst of not knowing whether to laugh like a hyena at myself, or get out of there and cry, because my mind had officially left the "building". Now, I know some are asking how the hell did she put them on backwards and NOT realize it! Of course, normally you would, depending on how they are made. But, this particular pair were all lace for one thing, and they were designed kind of like that when you just looked at them at a glance it appears the back and the from are "cut" the same. But, yet I had thought something was "amiss" as I dressed.

Okay, then here I am within a time span of about 2 minutes trying to decided whether to turn them around or just leave them. My only issue with leaving them, because n a normal visit to this doctor, your clothes all remain intact, I was going in to let the PA(physician's assistant" take another look at the lump on my lower from abdomen. So, LOL, I was going to have to pull the FRONT of those down a little bit so she could see what I was talking about. LOL!!! Okay I made the decision first of all I did to have time to mess with it, and I would have to take my tights off, turn my underwear around and them get those tights "line" straight again. It was near my appointment by then, and this other lady was waiting. So I pulled them up, was my hands and decided that I DO have a couple of pair of underwear that have a tag in the front. Besides all I was going to do, was grab both my tights and underwear and hold them down about to my pelvic bone so she could examine this lump. She was never know the difference, thus I went in, and she pushed, mashed, squished, massages, and I don't know what all else this freaking lump on my left side! Standing up, laying down, she had me lay down, yet act like I was going to sit a sit-up (like I could hold that half way for very long), along with the OTHER side since I thought I had FELT one on the OPPOSITE side but in the same area over the past few days.

Nonetheless, I found out as I said in my other post I was at least not TOTALLY NUTS, because I kept saying SOMETHING WAS WRONG! I had even thought HERNIA and looked them up to find out all about the 4 or 5 types there are. Which I knew about a couple, but did not realize there were others, mainly named depending on where they are located. I had research everything I could find as I "Googled", and continued when I described this "lump" to be a hernia. At the time what I DID not see, that a "SONOGRAM" often will NOT HOW a hernia!!! Okay, so that is why last week the sonogram showed "nothing". Furthermore, I know that is probably what my Gynecologist "felt" last week. She just did not realize it was NOT an ovary, it was the hernia instead. So, that cleared that up. I was told I had an over left, but on the RIGHT side, the left one they took out. So, at least I did have some relief in the fact, I DID KNOW something was WRONG! And I continued to search for some doctor that could figure it out! Now I COMMEND my PA for finding it. She told me, had she not seen several like this before, she may not have figured it out. Undoubtably, for some reason, due to the place are located even doctors that have practiced for years may not find it right off the bat. So, I again was happy to know it WAS SOMETHING, but I of course am NOT THRILLED with the fact I am facing probable surgery, and from what she said, both sides, because there is also ONE beginning on my RIGHT side as well. I had felt it and yes that is what it is.

So, after the "good/bad" news, I head to the pharmacy to pick up a couple of things, then go home. After I ate, took my medications, changed clothes and settled in, I decided that I needed to find out WHERE in my BLOG were the "Meta tags". If you are not familiar with the term, they are certain "words", in a web site that are put in the coding, in a specific place that helps people to find our websites in searches and so forth. Also the more searches, and having those correct "keywords" gets your site further up the "food chair" in a "search" such as on Google. So, that means MORE people potentially coming to your site, blog, etc.

I have done web design, so I was familiar with these tags. I also have done what is called "SEO" in the design world (Search Engine Optimization), the term, which as I said above helps also even more to "push" your site further up so more find you. Now, don't get me wrong, being I am in
"blogger" and I am using one of their "templates" … "mucking" around in their "HTML" code (the actual code or one of the types of codes used to make a website), is not a really fun party. It depends on how "easy" or how difficult the owner of the site has made it. Most usually have a specific pre-designed spot in your backend of the blog, so you just plop those words in such as for my blog could be (autoimmune arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sjogrens, AAI, MCTD, UDCD) etc.  The goal is to "match" the words most people searching for something like your site will "find" because those keywords helps them to get to your site. Okay, so I go in and find out I have to put this type of coding into the "core" HTML code myself. As far as I can tell, Blogger, for now, (and you would think of ALL blogs they would because they are part of Google), does not have an already pre-designed place for this type of coding. So, I go into where I can do this, I had the code, and put it in where I was supposed to, and it tells me I have some type of an "error". Well, I was baffled, because I had done things correctly as far as I could see. So, I try and look at the couple of "errors", and find nothing. Well, I go to look at a "preview" of my blog, and damned, the very last post I made had messed up "coloring". It did not look at ALL, like I had done it! So, I panicked. I began going through what I had done. Then even "reverted" it as far back as I could to their original code. Still my very last post looked wrong. I was tired, I had been through hell all day, so I decided to stop, it was not make or break last night, and try with "fresh eyes" this morning. Even my husband who is the EXPERT in Web Design and has been doing it for 15 or more years could not figure out anything wrong. Nothing appeared out of place and so forth.

Okay, go forward to the morning. I get up, turn on the coffee pot, go out onto the porch to see what the weather was doing, get coffee, and look at the current FB posts to see what IFAA and Tiffany, plus the others had said last night. I decide okay I have to "tackle" this damned code issue. I will be in a short while using templates to move a site over to a new place. So even though you don't "have" to code the "HTML" coding, it really is a HUGE help due to you being able to find a mistaken or make a change, tweak the coding, etc. I come here to blogger, I pull up my "other older" first blog I began, and changed it to the exact template my current blog looks like. Then I go into that CODE to compare the two. I knew I could find anything that was missing, or different like that. A time saver for sure. I could find the issue just looking at the code on this one, but it make take more time, thus I preferred to do it with a short cut. I am comparing the two, and I am seeing everything just as it should be! Not one little comma, or other piece of code was out of place or missing. I was just baffled!!! All of a sudden my brain come into a "LIGHT" and I decided to put a "test" post in to my blog here and see what it looked like. Well HELL, the "test" post looked totally normal!!! Nothing wrong.

I got to thinking that my very last post yesterday, I copied a portion of it off of Facebook and pasted here. Well, that post had some coding of it's own where the font and so forth was of course more for Facebook! Well, after all of the sheer terror of thinking I was going to have to redo something etc. , it dawned on me about that "code" in that copied and pasted post, overrode the regular code on my blog. Thus it was the ONLY ONE, that had that look! I had nothing wrong at all… NOW is  where I wonder if I should kick my on butt, or pat myself on the back, for a job well done!!! LOL!!!!

So, you can see where my entire Tuesday, from early morning until late night was a total BRAIN FOG!!! I seem to have more and more of these days… and it is frightening.. I can only hope keeping myself on the computer, writing, staying active as far as my brain and thought process, I will not watch that foggy stuff get worse. I never think it will get much better for several reasons, illness, age to name two. Stress, too much to do, not enough time to do it, we get hurried, thus our brains cannot keep up with all we are trying to process all at once….

So, HOPEFULLY the "fog" has lifted, and the actually very cloudy and rainy thunder storming day outside, will NOT bring the "clouds" to my brain for at least one day!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Mysterious "Lump" in my lower left Abdomen…

I have probably mentioned in posting that I've been dealing with a "lump" on the lower portion of my left abdomen. It was there about 2 months, and it seemed to be a bit larger and kind of "puffy". No pain, and I kind of blew it off at the time. But, not only did it remain, it was definitely getting larger. So, I showed my husband, and make an appointment, with PCP. Well, I saw one of his PA's. She did not seem like she could even find it at all. Even after I told her it "goes away" when I lie down, and it shows when I stand up… well she sent me for a sonogram in that area. The tech that morning I told him about the standing up, and that it I lie down, it may be difficult to find or even see. He aid me down anyway, mashed the hell out of my lower abdomen, and made me sore the next day. Yet they found "nothing"… well no way, it had to be SOMETHING!!! So, I went to my new Gynecologist last week. I asked her about it. She was kind of puzzled but she tried to see if there seemed to be anything that she may feel causing it. She did mention I had a lump, but she bought it could be an ovary that they left when I had the hysterectomy . Well, my understand was back then, they took the LEFT one OUT, and allowed the RIGHT one to remain… but that is 20 years ago and aback at that time I was not keeping my own personal medical records like I do now, thus I can't find anyone that can even remotely tell me where they are and how I would get that operative report. Anyway, still not being satisfied, I asked my heart doctor yesterday. She said she would definitely getting either back to my PCP or for another opinion. So, I called my PCP office, and I got in this morning… and as below… I was RIGHT!!! I said all along for one something is wrong and for number 2, I thought it was a hernia! Anyway, I am exhausted and my back is killing me. So, I will post more on this tomorrow a.m. :)

But, that is for ALL OF US! certainly not just myself… of course as I said partially but at least I am NOT CRAZY! A

after seeing 3 doctors that said they didn't have a clue about this lump on my left lower abdomen, I finally am RIGHT!!! There is something there. I have a damned hernia. Well, I am relieved to find out I'm not insane. But, I am not thrilled that surgery is the only thing to repair this. And get theism I have one of the right side starting. I told my doctor I though I felt a tiny one in the same place in the right, and she told me yes I have a small one that also should be fixed at the same time… so now I am waiting for a call from the surgeon's office, to set up an appt with him for consultation. Damned does it ever get BETTER???!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

New Website… Check It Out Lupus People...

Brand new website up for one for the Dallas Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America!

Here is the url:

It looks quite nice. I have not time to go through all of it, but I do like the front page and the "Theme" is cool also...

GREAT NEWS!!! A Monday with good news!!! (what an OXYMORON)

Mondays for many of us suck. There is always something that needs to be done, whether work calls upon you, "house work", errands, the market or whatever it is… For me today I have a visit with my Cardiologist this afternoon. It is just a "routine" follow up, but still it is a doctors visit. In fact I am a little nervous about it, because I need to ask her about a new medication that was suggested to me by my GYN. It is NOT "estrogen" at all, but it does mimic what estrogen does for us women around menopause and its ridiculous things it can cause to happen to our bodies.

Anyway, since I've had two heart attacks, I knew I should ask her about it before actually getting the script and filling it. So, I am anxious to find out what she says. There are other "ways" to handle this, but I am not good at things like creams, and the like. None of us like to mess with those kinds of things… they are messy, difficult to use, or are for me, and I just hope the pill will be okay for me.

Anyway, the GREAT news is that (and I won't give details) yet… but it appears I and my blog will get to be "on" an extremely important site! It is a dream I have wanted to fulfill and never knew quite how. But, patience is a virtue! It was just that I needed to wait until the right place for me and my blog happened. :) I am just so elated! :):) When all of the details are worked out, I will post more about it, and let everyone know where I and my blog will be etc!

I appreciate those who "follow" me…. you are the ones that keep on keeping me on!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

8 Complications From Lupus...

The sad part of this is many of these "complications" are what cause severe illness, and decline of health almost more so than the Autoimmune Illnesses themselves.

Take a look at how many vital organs can be a part of this… the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the bones, blood vessel (which I believe are considered an "organ")… and more… all of which those things can be not only life altering, but deadly!

I've had complications with osteoporosis (by the way which is considered SEVERE). I've had the skin issues, petechia, severe bruising, the "wolf Mask" the Mylar mask. I have have the horrible looking very purple rash type skin issue on my neck, and it runs up one side behind my ear of my upper neck, and then on the other side it runs up onto my jawbone, and all the way here lately around my mouth!!! I just noticed it around my mouth about a month ago. I already use sunblock, creams to fade out this mess and so forth. I found another Avon product and decided to try it. I'll be damned if I have not already noticed it fading out some. Thank goodness.

Then of course I've had not one but TWO heart attacks. Which may or not be related to the Lupus. I have a tendency to think somehow they are. I have "Lupus migraines". When I have a Lupus flare usually it begins with that damned horrible Lupus migraine… the ONLY thing to relieve it is a large dose of Solu-Medrol, a corticosteroid. Nothing else will touch it! As much pain medication as my internal pain pump delivers, no pain medication does anything. Only the steroid will take it away. It goes to proves it is an "inflammatory" type of headache. I have to wonder year ago (I had my first migraine at 17) if they had given me steroids then when I had the headaches (migraines) if they would have went away. I spent years fighting doctors for medication, ER visits over the years, losing jobs due to having them so badly, I would miss too much work)…. and so forth. I still believe my "autoimmune illnesses" began back then. I believe by the age of 20, I had many of the signs of them. But, at that time, doctors barely even knew what RA or Lupus was. Much less how to treat it. Anyway…. this is a great article… and should give many of us something to contemplate as we shop at our markets, and eat in the fast food, and also regular restaurants also. They also LOAD the salt up in their foods to make them "taste better"...

Processed Foods, Sodium and Autoimmune Disease? YES! They may just be related!

Autoimmune Arthritic Illness affected by Sodium and Processed Foods?

Great Article!WOW! As much as I stay away from salt, salted foods, fast foods (it is a real treat to get to go to McDonald's once or twice a month) and try and not eat as many processed and refined foods… all of us know with life being as busy as it is, means we sometimes would not eat without some of this. Having a few thing at home, that are "quick" for dinner especially, are almost essential in many households. I am a label watcher. But, I have to admit as MUCH as I watch labels for fat, calories, and carbs… I am not as great about looking at the sodium content as I should be. I have had high blood pressure since the age of about 16! And it was not from my diet and so forth. Mom cooked well, and there were not many processed foods in our home. Back then processed foods were not as prevalent either. People really COOKED! Not frozen fish stick, corn dogs, and frozen fries, or the huge amount of pizzas and TV dinners like now! It always just boggles my mind when I go into the market. Here is an entire isle dedicated to frozen pizzas!!! I can't believe there are even that many. Then the next isle is an entire line of every kind of frozen "entree", dinner… etc… and I can only imagine how much sodium are in the "light" or low fat ones!!! As "we" at my house know, and we all should know, in order for the manufacturers to make "low fat", "fat free", "light" and so on frozen foods, canned foods, processed stuff like packaged bologna" the list just goes on and on… they USE SALT to make it "taste good"!! Chips, an isle full of chips, Ice Cream--- damned what happened to Vanilla, Chocolate, and the mixture of the two with strawberry in it??? My Lord, you can spend hours looking at the ice cream itself.  Of course then there is the cereal isle. Now I must admit I do buy a large amount of cereal. I eat it sometimes just dry as a snack. We try to stick to the ones that are also "more healthy"… yet I am sure the sodium levels are tremendous. Candy… another complete isle and at Wally World, it is two isles of candy! Okay where is the "healthy lower in SALT, fat, carbs and calorie foods in these places???? Good question! And people wonder why we have so much heart disease, diabetes. autoimmune illnesses are running amok in this nation, high blood pressure, strokes, blood clots…. damned our diets you think?  REALLY PEOPLE!!! WE are our own worst enemies and the coming of our own demise! IF we did NOT LIKE all of this junk, they would NOT sell it! So, m who's to blame here????

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Donate Today & Get A beautiful Bracelet and Matching Earrings on Sale!

While supplies last, support IFAA's mission to create programs that will promote the equation we aim to solve: Early Detection=Early Referral=Early Diagnosis=Early Treatment=Better Chance of Remission by getting your Designer Awareness Bracelet for $10.

Help us help the patient of today and tomorrow. 100% of these sales will be used to create programs and initiatives to solve the equation. 

                                         Wear your support today! 

                               Purchase at

lupus ra ifaa bracelet

AAI(Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses & Our sense of smell (Odd or Phantom Smells), Sight, Hearing, Tasting, & Feeling?

I've noticed that often my sense of smell is either "off", strange, or my home, along with the outside around my home smells putrid!

I can walk around my home, as I did just this morning, and everything smells horrible! I was thinking to myself and mumbling that I really needed to "clean" because my house plain STINKS like my dogs left a "puddle" in every room! Now I know that sounds funny, and it is kind of funny, BUT in all honesty, I can walk into a room, or walk outside on my front porch and feel like my entire world is smelly. I smell smoke often outside. Which at times there are those that are grilling, or it is the emissions from vehicles. At this time of the year, people also are beginning to burn their fireplaces also. So, the smell of smoke can be truly justifiable at times in those instances. Yet, I can walk out the door, and smell everything from something "dead" like a mouse, to a "moldy" smell, to the smell of what I consider "bug spray" and the list goes on.

I have also smelled many perfumes that absolutely smell like "Raid" when I just smell them out of the bottle. Yet, they may smell wonderful once they are on someone. Now, I have this crazy smelling as I said as if my entire home smells like "the dog pee". I am a bit paranoid because I have two full grown "puppies", dogs, yet they will always seem like puppy's to me. They are totally house broken, but as they have grown a little older they tend to decide to get mad when we go out and leave them. I at times come in to a puddle of pee on my hardwood floor, which does NOT make me a happy camper. They both have anxiety separation issues, always have. Even if one of us is at home with them, they get upset because we are not both here.

Anyway, I began to do a little bit of research to see if those of us with these various form of Autoimmune Illnesses have issues with their sense of smell. And by "gosh" I am correct! There is definitely many of us that do suffer from various type of "smell" disorders. We do either have a "lack" of the ability to smell (Sjogren's is certainly one that can cause that), or you have a phantom smell disorder where it is not there but we smell it.

I've also seen people say that there sense of smell is actually "more keen" with some of this AAI's. They can smell things that are much further off than other people.

When it comes to all of our senses, smell, taste, feel, vision, hearing… they can all be effected in one way or the other by the diseases, syndromes and illnesses. I have double vision that came up almost a year ago. I've been through 3 eye specialists. Two of them highly specialized, being "Neuro -Opthamologists". After months and months of tests, lab work, and a temporal artery biopsy, they NEVER did truly FIND THE REASON for my DOUBLE VISION!! Thus they blame it on the Lupus!

I developed "Tinnitus"… of which the ENT doctor said " you'll get used to it"… there is really nothing they can do for it… you learn to "drown out" the ringing, whirling, buzzing noises…

Of course then there is the "Vertigo" - that also is not just my mind thinking I am spinning and moving… I DO spin, move and gyrate, at times without the medication, Meclazine… now I just learned a very interesting fact! There is a newer medication that came out called "VertiCalm". I saw it was for "dizziness" motion sickness etc… so I was of course once again "My wondering and wandering mind wanted to know what it was?" I look it up and it is exactly what I take that does not require a script BUT you have to ask them for it at the pharmacy, Meclazine. I've been using it for a very long time… for the vertigo, dizziness, and movement disorder. I take two every morning of my life, and sometimes when I have a bout with it, I have to take a couple more during the day. Now here it is over the counter, out from the back of the counter, and I bet it's going to be MORE EXPENSIVE, than the one I buy from behind the counter. I get like 90 or 100 tablets for usually between 4 to 6 dollars. Since I happen to find this due to a coupon for it, I will bet it is much higher than that for a lot less tablets. It will be interesting to see next time I'm out what the difference is.

So, I've touched on hearing, smelling, and tasting somewhat; along with vision.

The sense of touch I am not so sure about. I don't know that our sense of touching is really effected by any of these illnesses. I have problems with extremely "tender" skin. Sun is a huge "no-no". It can bring on a flare, or certainly make your "wolves mask" much worse, or both. Predisone, along with the other corticosteroids also makes my skin very thin. I bruise extremely easy, or just a small "knock" again furniture when I vacuum leaves terrible bruises. Some of those take months to fade. I have some that are just a "permanent" part of me.

Just to add a bit of humor to this really terrible issue as times with the senses. As far as "touch or feel" I know I have this "urge" when I go anywhere to look at new clothes, that I have to "feel" the material of everything. I am sure as a whole women do that when they shop. But, texture in fabric is a big thing when I am shopping for clothing. I believe that is just one factor of being the "female" gender.

I would love to hear from all of you in regards to these 5 senses. How if you are effected with your particular illness(es)?

Testing the New Blog Name….

I've changed my blog name. So, I'm testing it to make sure the new name will be used on new posts… :) Rhia

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween. Fall, Holidays and Dealing with Chronic Autoimmune Arthritic Illness

I am quite proud of my poster! It has been awhile since I worked with graphics so I was thrilled to see that I still "get" it. I need to "brush" up a little but I feel much better about it after putting this together!