Monday, November 7, 2016

Day 6 - "Superpower Sunday?" #HAWMC - WEGO's Monthly 2016 Blog/Writers Challenge! What kind of "SUPERPOWER" would I have & How I would use it?

Superpower Sunday! WEGO Health - Day 6 of the Monthly Blog/Writer Challenge! 

What kind of "Superpower" would I have and how would I use it?

Great Question, and one I had to give thought to. If I was able to have some type of superpower, first of all, I would want it to be something that could help ALL who are chronically ill, in chronic pain, and especially in some realm where I could help "diagnose" what was wrong and have the ability to fix it, or possibly stop it before it even happened.

So, I guess I would want the ability to see "behind" as far as years, decades and so forth, plus be able to see ahead in the decades and years to come. In that sight, I would want the ability to "look" at someone, or touch someone and know immediately they were ill, before any symptoms really arose. Then I would want to be able to put together what their future and their past looks like, even forward to their grand kids and all of their relatives ahead, along with all of their years before they were born, and find if their were "issues medically" that they had no clue existed. 

I would want to be able to "see" within my mind's eye, what was coming "medically" in the future, and take that to what had been gathered in the past, such as Penicillin, or the place where the "gene" for a certain type of breast cancer was found, and put that data together to help stop severe medical problems we as humans have, and event some way to "stop" those events before they were even known to exist. I know this sounds like more than "one" superpower, but it is mainly having the ability to "see" ahead and "behind", to correlate that information so "chronic illnesses" such as Diabetes, Cancer, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, AIDS, "genetic" illnesses that begin in "utero" long before they can be "seen", and the diseases that are to come in the future, able to "halt" their progress well before they are ever in fruition to exist within humans. 

I basically would want to be a "super doctor, medical research expert" and "fix" what is wrong well before it happens, as well as "heal" those who have already been in the "grip" of some of our horrid illnesses that strike down so many thousands and thousands annually.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day 5 - WEGO Blog Writer's Challenge! "Who am I"? What makes me want to really stand up and be heard? #HAWMC

Day 5 - 


WEGO Blog Writer's Challenge! "Who am I"? What makes me want to really stand up and be heard? 

I've been a "passionate" and avid writer and poet since I was 13. I told people many years ago, my "heart's and life's work" was to write. That may entail poetry, short prose, and even as later in my life came, Music Lyrics and singing. I've always loved music, played the piano for years and took lessons, played the drums, (not all that good but I love it), and I always wished I could have been a good a singer as my Dad was.
When "something" hits me, whatever subject that maybe. From all of the advocacy, volunteer, and human rights issues, to diseases, and illnesses, plus chronic pain, the way I serve best is through my writing. That may be on Facebook, my blog, or through my books. Even my emails often reflect what "platform" I am on at that moment (not political for the most part).

I believe we all have a "voice". It is just that some of us, like any other talent, singing, painting, drawing, playing sports, or whatever your "best and favorite" thing is to do, we can "say" how we feel by the way we work towards those goals within those favorite realms we face.

I get upset because I find that although I "think" after one thing or the other "settles in my life" I will find MORE TIME to do THOSE THINGS I LOVE, it seems something else "holds me back" or take my attention from the exact thing I want to do.

I LOVED the trips every couple of months or so with my Mom. We had such an awesome time, heading up to just over the border of Texas to the Casino in Oklahoma, Winstar. Neither of us were or are "gamblers". Those times were more about "getting away" from it all. Bills, life, house, errands, cleaning, cooking, and all of the daily grind things we face. It was the drive and talking, the stop always at the same place for breakfast, just before we got to the Casino, and then walking into where there are NO CLOCKS, you do not know what time it is, whether it is day or night, you step into a world that totally takes your mind off the "world outside". It was watching Mom win a few bucks, or her sitting and watching me play some of the "penny games" that I loved with all of the "bonuses" and just us being together, deciding whether to play more or eat, or eat and go to the room for awhile... just her and I, off away from it all, and how much I enjoyed, watching her do the ONE THING she enjoyed in life, going and having that overnight stay away from it all, and the lights, the noise, and even going upstairs to our room and knowing she was worn out, but in a good way. 

I come back though to my writing. I "express" ALL of what I am feeling, whether good, bad or indifferent through my writing. Passion is there, love is there, frustration, being totally upset, or totally in heaven, whether feeling like I cannot go another step, or excited because I've been given another way to follow, a path to find something else around the corner.

The BEST right now is my TWO PUBLISHED BOOKS! As I work on 2 more, that I hope to finish, those two books published "before I left this world" was such an amazing thrill for me... SO, if YOU want to "know me", read my poetry, writing, my prose, my posts, my blog, and there you shall find "RHIA" - "ME'...


Day 4 - #HAWMC WEGO Health Writer's Blog Challenge - for the Month of November 2016

Day 4 - #HAWMC - A Letter to "Myself" at the time I was diagnosed knowing now what I did not know then....



Dear Rhia (self),

You had already "figured out" that something must be wrong with your immune system. You had been through enough doctors, tests, had so many symptoms resembling Lupus, RA, and several others like Sjogren's and Raynaud's that you really did not know much about.

When the 1st round of labs came back, from my own PCP (who diagnosed me at first), he knew that you needed to see a specialist. Although you come to find out your PCP has been more beneficial with the Lupus and Lupus Flares, that the Rheumatologist, who concentrates more on the RA than the other Autoimmune diseases.

You now can recall the first Rheumatologist, even though he was quite elderly, had just came back to work after a stroke himself, but his diagnosis, just after a thorough examination gave proof enough to show not only did I show signs of Lupus, RA, Raynaud's, Sjogren's, but had findings of probable MCTD, and that was almost more frightening than the Lupus and the others.

My moments that now I wished I had realized that ALL RHEUMY"S are NOT THE SAME, is something I wished I knew when I was first diagnosed. That caused me going through at least 7 specialists, each of which had a different "edge" and look on my diseases, or lack thereof. Most of them were only "blood work" driven. Not anything to do with all of the symptoms I had for years and years.

I could have saved myself a great deal of stress, worry, and getting nowhere, had I known to search for the "proper" Rheumatologist from the beginning. I've also come to find out my doctors here at my local Urgent Care know more about my conditions, than my Rheumy's for the most part. Plus if I am in a severe flare, there is no way I could get into my Rheumy in Dallas quickly. With those at Urgent Care I can be in and out, have the medications I need, and be hopefully on the road to curving the flare, without having to drive 40 miles each way, and maybe not getting what I need.

When I found out that I had 2 or 3 other 1st cousins, all on my Mom's side with RA, then we each began to piece together that this could very well be "genetic".

I wished I had known more about Sjogren's, for one. Maybe had one doctor done more about the Sjogrnen's I would not have lost ALL OF MY TEETH WITHIN A COUPLE OF MONTHS, requiring severe pain, and many dentists visits, to have all of them pulled that were left, and then try to deal with dentures, and the expense of over 15,000.00! Now I am still left with "pretty straight" teeth, BUT "fake" in nature.

So, I also wished I had more knowledge of how I could have been a volunteer and advocate before I myself had been diagnosed. I think had I been involved in some ways with the organizations who help us I may have felt "better" about myself, and not so ashamed of what these illnesses can do to us, our minds, bodies and souls... plus relationships, friendships, and the way people "see" us after we are ill.






Friday, November 4, 2016

Day 3 - of WEGO Health Blog/Writer's Challenge - A Favorite Quote and why it moves me #HAWMC

Day 3 WEGO Health Challenge - A Favorite Quote and Why it Moves Me

My "favorite" quote is actually one that comes from myself. "If YOU do NOTHING! Then "NOTHING" gets done!"

I've come to find out after many years of feeling as if I could depend on someone else to do as they said they would, or help me out when I needed help, that I was going to be either, upset, disappointed, feel as if no one cared, have my feelings hurt, and after living with all of those "harsh feelings and emotions" what I "needed done" never got done. The only thing that came out of it, is me feeling lousy. 

So, I am truly a stubborn person when it comes to "asking" anyone for help. Not that I feel someone else can't do it just as well as I can. I am not "narcissistic" per se'. I have been through relationships, whether serious or friends, at work, at home, business, serious, or not serious, the only way, I know for sure, something that truly needs to get finished, and have the job done, is if I do it, and try to not "depend" on anyone else to help get it done. 

Actually, I've been going through these circumstances now for months. My Mom has always depended upon me. Bless her heart, after my Dad passed away in 2005, I, being an only child had to move back to Texas from Seattle, because she could not even put gas in her own car. Much less figure out bills, investments and all that needed to be taken care of. There were times over the past 11 years that "someone else" would offer to do this, that or the other" to help her or us out. Then when it came that time to do whatever it was, guess what? I was left with ME having to take responsibility. That has been really my entire life's story. If I want it done, and to know it was taken care of, I must just go ahead and do it. My Mom after being seriously ill only the first 6 months of this year with what we feel was "Lewy Bodies Dementia" passed away on June 9th 2016. I knew even though at the time I needed surgeries that had been put off, that I sprained both ankles severely the day of her visitation. I was in the middle of a horrible Lupus flare. Yet, I knew I had no choice but to make the arrangements and get things taken care of. No one else, even though some offered would get down to the "brass tacks" as the saying goes and get it done.

So, that was and is still my life. If I want something done or need it done, then my saying always holds true, "IF you do NOTHING, then "NOTHING" gets done!"

Day 2 - WEGO Health Challenge BLOGS - #HAWMC - "How do we blog?" Inspiration, jus start writing, and so forth

#HAWMC Day 2 - of WEGO Health's Blog/Writer's Challenge

Usually I begin by something "hitting me". Like a post on a Facebook page, or something I hear on the news. Sometimes it is a personal issue that I am going through. I also have what I call " a voice".

I maybe sitting here doing something completely different, and the subject for a blog hits me, and I begin writing. My blogs, posts on Facebook, even E-mails tend to be "lengthy". Anyone who has read an email from me, or sees my blogs, or posts anywhere, knows to be ready to spend several minutes reading. I tend to "explain" in detail what I am saying, where it is coming from, why I feel it is necessary that I "tell" whatever that subject is. And until I feel that I've "said it all" on that one subject, I write. I am really bad about not even making "paragraphs". I've had to change that lately. I've come to realize is someone sees a very lengthy post, with no "breaks" in between, it can be confusing. So, I've began making sure I break it the post, blog, email or whatever it is, so it does not seem so long and so tedious.

I also tend to "write out" everything. In other words, if I am going to say, "I'm going to town", I write it out literally, "I am going to town". Oddly enough, I probably do not speak that way, when speaking, but when I am writing, I usually type it all out, without using other forms, like "I'm, I've, even numbers, I tend to type out ONE, Three, and so forth. Sometimes the reason I type numbers out in spelling them, is because I want to "emphasize" that particular number, so rather than 3 little chicks. I may want to write, "THREE Little chicks". So, by spelling the numbers out, I can USE them for emphasis in a sentence, or for some reason.

I know that typing in "ALL CAPS" is almost like "screaming" at someone. I find myself using "CAPS" but not so much as to be screaming in the readers face, but really showing that part, is coming from "deep inside" and it is crucial to understand how important that sentence, or portion of the blog, the post, and so on are to me. So, if you see a post of mine and something is in ALL CAPS, it is because I really want to make that stand out to who reads it.

Actually, I DISLIKE "editing". I know that sounds silly, but I try and make sure I am "saying" what I need to say, as I am writing it. So, I may read over a sentence or two as I finish them. But, I "spell check" as I write, so I give it a once over for spelling errors, then most of the time I hit the "send" button.

I am also not that great at "coming back" to a post that I have written, and "add" to it. If I know for sure, I want to say more on that subject, I usually make a new "Part 2" post about it, but once I am through with what I have said, for the most part, I don't edit and add to a post. Now, I may go in and fix a link, add a color, or a photo. But, if I want to say MORE, then another "post" will come and I add it as another "Part" of the original.

I was always an excellent speller in school. I won spelling bee's, had all 100's on my spelling tests, so when I am typing and writing, and a word is misspelled or I cannot for some reason spell it at that moment correctly, it will drive me CRAZY! I will go back and try to spell it myself correctly several times, without looking it up. There are times, I finally give in, and go do a search to spell it, and often as I am typing it to look up the correct spelling, then I do spell it correctly during my "search". I have to laugh and blame it on the "Lupus fog", because most certainly my "age" could not be a factor.

Day 1 - #HAWMC - WEGO- Health 30 Day Blog Challenge - What drives us to BLOG!? (running a bit behind)

WEGO Health Blog/Writer's Challenge Day 1 #HAWMC

I've been a "driven" writer since I was abut 13 years old. I began writing poetry back then, and a few short stories. I was even the "editorial" writer for our High School Newspaper. I took on a few tough subjects, from "Holes in our student parking area", to giving our students more of a challenge when it came to subject matter and getting us ready for what we would face in the real world; after high school and college.

I continued to write in "handwritten" form, before computers. I have notebook after notebook filled with my writing. I have most of them still with me, and have been able to put much of the material on the computer.

At the age of 14, I had a neighbor who was a RN at our local hospital. I seemed to "soak up" everything that was "medical" in nature. I volunteered as a "Candy Volunteer, I guess then called a "striper" and I stood beside her every chance I had spending all of my free hours learning about the medical world. From watching them deliver babies, to taking care of those babies and Moms, and learning at that time how to "pack instrument" packs, because back then most instruments were not "disposable". We had certain instruments for certain surgeries that had to be cleaned, disinfected, wrapped together, then put in an "autoclave" that sterilized them further to be used in surgeries.

From there, my mind was made up, I would be in the medical field. Of course things change, and I got out of high school early, wanted to go to work, and married young. We had my son 2 years later, but by the time I was about 22, I knew that is not what I wanted for my life. I went on to divorce my 1st husband, and then was a single Mom, with bills to pay, and went to work at a bank in Dallas. Still I was restless because I was not doing what I felt was my calling, my heart's work, and what I was supposed to be doing in my time here. I left the bank, remarried a couple of years later, got some college under my belt, and went to work in a hospital, but in the business office.

Those 6 years there made me know even more that I wanted to find a way to be in the medical field, more hands on, and not behind a desk collecting money from sick people.
Yet, again, even after having an offer from the hospital for them to fully pay for me to go to college and get my LVN degree, at that time, I had two younger kids in school, and was unable to go to school full time, and support my family also. Oddly, enough, I went ahead and took the "entrance exam" to get into the nursing program and passed it as #1! That made it even more difficult for me to pass up the opportunity. I not only had the drive, I had the offer to pay for my classes, then work for that hospital for a year to "pay back" a portion of my college. Then I could have went any direction I pleased. Yet, family came first, and with a heavy heart I declined that opportunity.

I was friends with a woman that was the head of nursing there, and there were days she was almost unable to walk. Her feet would hurt so badly, she could barely stand on them. I found out she had Rheumatoid Arthritis. That and another young woman that worked in the hospital pharmacy, had a type of "stomach issue" autoimmune in nature, that there was little known about, much less on how to treat it, and give her the life back she wanted.

All those years I continued to fill notebook after notebook of my writing and poetry. That was the one "steady" in my life, my writing. I did go to college, and took accounting classes and business classes, and almost had my degree in business. I was struck with Migraines, that were horrific. Over the years they would make me so ill, I would miss work for days at a time. I never "hid" that I had the headaches, but I could not predict when and how long they would come on and last. In fact, I lost several jobs either having to resign jobs, due to missing so much work because of the headaches, and other health issues, including needing surgery on several joints. I had painful problems with my knees, shoulders, hands, and elbows. Again, missing work for surgeries on painful joints, in my 30's that the doctors could not really explain.

I had went to a "pain specialist" long before they were really heard about, mainly to see if he could help the migraines. I had injections into the occiptal nerves in my neck, was hospitalized, had every test available, yet no doctor could put the pieces together as to what was "wrong" with me.

At 40 years old I was an avid exerciser, daily, I ate only healthy foods, watched every pound of my weight, and did everything "right" for my health. Yet on January 8th 2001, I suffered a heart attack.

After that, doctors began "speculating" what was medically wrong, and a huge amount of "stress" was a portion of it. My 2nd marriage although lasted 15 years, put me in a horrific "trauma" day after day, and that stress my doctors seemed to feel was what partially caused my MI at such an early age.

I began to have tests, be able to see better and more advanced physicians, and around the age of 45 I had a young PCP, who finally put the pieces together, along with the proper blood work and finally was open minded enough, to "listen" to me. He found out that I had some "type of autoimmune issue"(s). He sent me directly to a Rheumatologist, who ran more tests, and determined I had MCTD, or possibly Lupus, RA, Sjogrens' & Raynauds.

I had already discovered a whole new era in "writing". Online communities, of people such as I, and that my "writing" could really be helpful through these communities, through my own "blogging" (at the time I really did not even understand what a blog was) and that even though I never was able to go into the medical field to help people on a plane such as a nurse, doctor, or in research. I COULD bring my story as well as a great deal of information to so many others such as myself, that were severely in need of answers, of the questions to ask their doctors, of information on new medications, and through other telling them their own stories.

Thus, my writing and medical "knowledge" finally came together about 10 years ago, and I began to "help" others through my own frustrations and information about the diseases they had been told they had, but were frightened to even ask their physicians for more information.

So, out of my own Chronic Pain, many surgeries, dealing with several autoimmune illnesses, tests and knowledge, was born my own blog, and my own way of helping those who are in such need for someone "listening" and truly understanding their problems.