Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 I did not think it was even going to happen!! But FINALLy after  MANY phone calls and griping, fussing (NEVER GOT A HUMAN ONLY MACHINES THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS TRYING TO CALL)!!

The girl I like so well, called me herself. She happened to have been on vacation last week & did not know about the technological issues with the Cataract machine, my surgery getting cancelled & that no one had even trie to call me back to at least update me.. As I told her it was NT her Fault! First f all the machinery failed, and she was on vacation so she didn't know.. and besides things like that are no ones fault other than the people who were IN the OFFICE last week & could have at least "updated" me...

So I am back on tract for Aug 10th, next Tuesday!

 I just pray I stay on tract and so does the cataract Machine!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Right Eye Cataract Surgery this Morning! Ready to have this over with & how great si far the surgery is...

"Our new Vision"

Well tomorrow is the next BIG DAY!! My Right Eye cataract surgery. I have to be there at 1:30pm but at least it's not like 3:30 on the 1st one.... LOL! But I can have water or plain tea to drink till about even 9 AM or so... I just will sip enough so I won't be dehydrated, especially with the HEAT of today supposed to be hitting that 100 DEGREE mark! I will be trying to hydrate more today or as much as I can so i will try and be hydrated enough where the nurse can get the IV started without my veins acting stupid rolling and such. So, wish me luck. My 1st one is still on the mend... mainly for me, just that "feeling" as if something is in it. Since this will be going this week on the 3rd week of eye drops in the 1st one, it should get that inflammation down & that feeling g away. I have to be careful and not rub it or try to "wipe" it out, so I try and not touch that eye at all. Now I will have both of them for another week, then 2 more weeks for the 2nd one (I think) LOL.. I have to keep looking at the calendar to add it up. EVERYONE STAY OUT OF THE HEAT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE & ALSO HYDRATE!!!! and mist most know "Cola's" or any type of "carbonated drink like a Coke does not hydrate but dehydrate.. so water, I drink green tea with Splenda in it, juice but mainly anything with lots of water in it... LOL Now I sound like some advertisement!!!

Friday, July 16, 2021

How Chronic Pain Can Lead to Autoimmunity Problems — Pain News Network

How Chronic Pain Can Lead to Autoimmunity Problems — Pain News Network: By Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist Every chronic pain patient must know and understand autoimmunity and how to combat it. Research on chronic pain has unequivocally determined that the chronic inflammation and tissue destruction caused by a painful disease or injury will produce autoimmunity. ...

and my notes about this also  ...  Goes to prove just how SERIOUS Chronic Pain that is not treated properly due to those pharmacists or physicians due to nw not wanting t prescribe the right medications and/or in the correct amounts for chronic pain patients. I feel even my own pain physician, a superior specialist in this field that I have been seeing now for well over 13 years, he put in my pain pump & has treated me all these years without any issues. Suddenly, over the past year he began to shy away from one of my meds after he was giving it to me monthly for all that time, I now have to continually "remind" them to get the prescription to me, & this last time, the "woman" who I did not know, (I called the regular lady I've talked to for all these years at her personal ext. and get a phone call back from someone I did not know who talked to me likeI was someone who was trying to "abuse" meds... it is infuriating for her to even know some of my medical issues that were none of her business. She began to speak to me as if she was my doctor! I am still furious. Those are the things more and more chronic pain patients are having to put up with even with a doctor who has treated them for years and/or the same pharmacist! It needs to be put to a halt & the "real" issues of "fake medications" are being made in Mexico and shipped over here under the names of real prescriptions here causing severe issues. there are people that have are in s much pain that suddenly get treated like this, lose their doctors, or the doctors quit treating them as always & they get so depressed they have been known to commit suicide, although that is hard to say it's true. - Here is an article by the "Pain News Network" that tells some of our story. I have lived with "chronic pain" since I was 17 years old when I suddenly even before my 1st child was born in 19799 having severe migraines. I have fought tooth and nail through every type of doctor, through every type of tests some of them multiple times, been treated like I was an "addict" & at now over 55 years old, still continue to have t at time "fight" for my own right to proper treatment.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Left Eye Cataract & Astigmatism done & Right in in Two Weeks! Then onto healing & trying to get my right Shoulder Fixed!

 So far ao good on the Cataract surgery From Tuesday! Gosh what an awesome Doctor and Team! Everyone from check-in, surgical set-up to nurses, Anesthesia, to the Doctor were incredible!

LOL, and the Anesthesia, they did not fool around. they gave me one that really sent m for a "loop" LOL, but although I was out of it, I really never went to "sleep" etc... I used to call it the don't give a damned medication"! It worked, kept me comfortable, not nervous, and even going on the ride home, & into the next morning, I was really where i was "myself" yet I was not nervous, or hurting... they had it down, and I believe they used what they used on me due to my chronic Pain Issues and other Autoimmune illnesses. they knew I had been through lots of other surgeries also ad had a high tolerance for anesthesia, so he really was right on target getting me comfortable.

My son took me, and then the next morning I was still kind of out of it, but really more agitated since he put a patch over it overnight. So, when I woke up i could not take it off, I had to leave it on till I let them take it off at the office. So, my son taking me the next morning to check it out was really a blessing. Plus he and I don't get to spend much time together. So, we did get a bit of time just the 2 of us to kind of catch up on things. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Lord Willing & Creeks Don't Rise I have my Left Eye Cataract Surgery next Tuesday 7/13/21

 I am praying, along with even my ow PCP praying (he is an awesome physician) that I get through the cataract surgeries, quickly since it is Laser, 2 weeks after the 1st one I should be able to have the 2nd one done. Then if things are as they should be, I may ONLY NEED reading glasses!!! Astigmatism GONE! along with Cataracts!

Then the other issue... that is about to pull me into the nut house is my Right Shoulder. It's been 10 years since it was replaced as a "reverse total shoulder replacement" which at the time I knew the possibility of me having to have another surgery on it. At that time a reverse shoulder surgery was fairly new, and not all Orthopedic Surgeons could do them.

In fact it took me several  months to even find one near me that could do the procedure. So, at the time, I had to take the chance. It was in such bad shape, with already 3 arthroscopic surgeries, & then not a 100% chance of it being somewhat better. Yet, I was fortunate. I had the surgery & for 9 years...  THINGS WERE OKAY... REALLY ABOUT 8 YEARS. THEN I NEEDED A 2ND CERVICAL NECK SURGERY. When I had it done, I know although I probably could not prove it, when they had me asleep and in the operating room putting me in position, somehow they wrenched, twisted, let that shoulder twist or SOMETHING.   When I awoke from the neck surgery my shoulder was killing me!    I even asked my doctor, and he said they had to lay me kind of with my head in a "downward"   position. He said they may have "bruised it" or allowed it to hang a bit down further than they should have and made that muscle pull down. So, I took it as a probably OR something, that it would  get better in a few days. Yet, honestly, that shoulder has never been the same since. I have had major pain issues, weakness, not able to hold much of anything & it is my "dominant" arm. So, I went on with my life, all of the stuff I had done for years, yard work, house work, putting up ceiling fans... and felt I would just go on using it and live my life. Well, a couple of things after, I almost "dropped" a new air conditioner and also putting up a ceiling fan, not having quite tall enough ladder & that really messed me up. After that trying to hold the Weed eater, or get a bowl down with one hand all out of the question. I need to do so much, from bathing my pups, to trimming trees and cutting up the larger pieces into smaller ones. So, I really need to use the chainsaw, which I usually do, but now I fear I can't hold it like I need to. Even ding laundry or getting groceries bought, get them home & putting them up is a nightmare.

It seems to be never ending as to things wrong or need fixing or testing... I am a mess.                      

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Have You Been Labeled a 'Difficult' Patient? — Pain News Network

Have You Been Labeled a 'Difficult' Patient? — Pain News Network: By Ann Marie Gaudon, PNN Columnist   We’re all aware of doctors labeling a patient as “difficult” or some other derogatory term. There are even entire categories set up for these “ heartsink ” patients, who behave in ways that doctors consider dependent, entitled, manipulative... 

 Pat Anson
 Founder and Editor
 Pain News Network

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Time to Celebrate and look forward to WEGO Health 10th Annual Awards Campaign!

 WOW! Ten years! seems like just yesterday to many I am sure.

Nominations are open for the#WEGOHealthAwards! Nominate the patient & caregivers who are change-makers, artists, and advocates in your communities.

Winner's will be honored on healthcare's biggest stage.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Incredible News On The Lupus Home Front - 2 NEW Medications FDA Approved



May 1, 2021

“This is a historic moment in lupus with two new drug approvals for lupus nephritis in just over a month,” enthused Kenneth M. Farber, LRA President and CEO.  ... please continue to read this incredible news from the Lupus Research Alliance at the URL....

I was so elated to see this and be able to share it! It has been a very long time coming for a new Lupus medication(s) to arrive & be approved by the FDA.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Renewal Ways to Celebrate Our Day to Remember those who Protect and did Protect Our Nation!

 As we begin a very different kind of celebration. One that we had to "hope" & pray would happen: I am sure many are still very nervous about not wearing a mask or being out in a larger public place, or all of the other events and things we will do that we have not gotten to do in well over a year.

Like myself, I am sure even just going to a store, if they are leaving the masks "up to the shoppers" I feel you will still see many wearing them. Even those like myself, I have gotten both vaccines so I am good till this "booster" one comes along. 

Which I hav felt all along a BOOSTER would come even quicker than the flu vaccine. We are still NOT WELL by a long shot. Not everyone has full protection if they have not had a vaccine or vaccines if you need 2, and could still either spread it to get it from someone else who maybe ll and not know it. 

Also, our researchers are are a long way from "knowing" for SURE the science behind this vaccine will work, and will will work over and over again. It may only last 3 months, or you need a booster once a month.. or whose to say that whoever "attacked us" I feel someone got it here on purpose won'r turn around & knowingly send something more destructive. So yes we cannot live like the "Bubble Boy" that has NO IMMUNITY and would die within months if he was expose to all of the deadly viruses that are out there. So, we must be smart as to what feel we is best. And we can't trust everything, but "gut-Instinct" to me seems to work fro meA my own health, as to whether to ha a Lumbar surgery or not...some things "like COVID" delayed it but other we me "not being sure, feeling eery" & still waiting before I go allowing even the of best doctors go cutting into my lower back.  Sure enough my decisions to check on something else may be best for now & put off the Lumbar Lower Fusion till a bit later". ONCE HE does that 1ST INCISION THERE IS NO TURNING BACK FROM THERE. If I have further test to see what is really gong on if possible about my bones, the osteoporosis, my right shoulder that I did read they  ted to "wear out" at about 10 YEARS! Which it has been a bit over 10 years... So this is NOT just nervous" HOLDING ME BACK, IT IS some thing telling me to waiting just a bit then have it done. By the way   , THE ORTH DOCTOR TOLD HIS NURSE TO IVE ME THE BACK BRACE TOAKE TAKE HOME FOR THAT LOWER LUMBER SURGERY EVEN THOUGH I WAS STILL A BIT OFF ABOUT IT ALL, SHE GAVE IT TO ME, AND YESTERDAY I GET A BILL FROM 256$ FOR MY CO-INSURANCE  they knew if the hospital did it thy would just have it in their total co-insurance of which mine whole thing is about 352.00 and he knew if he did tit hid way they would collet that high -co-pay which is insane anyway!!~  ROGHT NOW IAM NOT PAYING  DIME ON IT UNTU WE SEE WHAT HAPPENS THE THEY CAN HAVE IT BACK!!A