This is a very difficult choice to make because EVERYONE'S are GREAT! Information, giving of "self" in an unselfish way, bearing your own health burden's and life challenges for ALL to see - - - - - - - - -
I am always so thrilled to participate and interact with ALL of the people there. ALL of you ROCK!!!
So, it is a "trying" time to make sure I give "back" to those who gave me so much, either through their own blog posts, or their comments about mine! I've learned a great deal about illnesses, about other bloggers, about how there are those that do CARE, and they "give of themselves" often "Bearing their Souls" about life, pain, chronic illnesses, being a caretaker, and the REST of what WEGO Health Helps to Teach us!
So, Here are a few of my re-posts:
Day #4 What Superpower would you like to have: Kristen's re-post form the FB Page :
Kristen WEGO - My superpower would be patience! Yes I count that as a superpower.
Challenging yoga class this morning and a challenging first time working
with clay this afternoon. Finding myself frustrated and pushing for
perfection but remembering to have patience and to accept where I'm at
👌🏼My vase may be crap but at least I'm rockin my awesome Bipolar tee from @GabeHoward to help #Stompstigma

Day #1 on Julie Cerrone's - FB Link -
Her Blog Repost I liked is at:
Day #29 - "What I Wished I had known Before:
Day #4 by one her blog (re-post) Blog Name - Inflamed and Untamed!
Day #11 - Your Top Ten - From Blog "Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer" Re-Post
These are just a very few that touched me in one way or the other - I could name almost everyone I got to read, and will be reading over the next weeks, so I can really get to know so many of these great people and awesome Bloggers!!!!!! Rhia
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